We have finally had progress with the 160 acres that Dave, Caleb and Daniel are Lord willin' purchasing. (Caleb and Daniel 50 acres and Dave 110) It has taken time to get all the paper work in order but if all continues they will close on the land on March 12th!!!!!!! Wahooooo!!!! They were so excited with the news yesterday as soon as they came in from work, they left dust in the air and went to make their "marks" by cutting down a few small trees. I guess its a "land purchaser thing!!" Dave even got ice-cream to go along with the celebration!!!
It is such a trite matter......the transmission went out in our van! It had 9 lives, I don't know if we'll get 10 out of it or not!!! It is such a trite matter, so many are in greater straights, battling cancer, hurting, suffering, confined to beds and hospital rooms, children suffering. The idea of a van broken is so insignificant, so temporal and I can see it as being so trite now because we have been one of those mentioned above. If only it was our van instead of Joel back 3 years ago, yet I say too that it is a great need for us right now, and the Lord knows about vans, about cancer, about beds of sicknesses, hurting relationships, He knows and He cares. I want to have a heart of confidence yet in my "thinking" it is a total inconvenience. We can not all go to church together, its going to be a challenge to work out doing my errands in the evenings, and its not great being out here without transportation for emergencies. BUT somehow it will all work out. I read something awhile back and I try to have it in front of my thoughts when circumstances prove downhill. It said "believe and live!!" Believe, trust, hope in a great God, live each day to make it count!!! Help me do it!

Vans SHOULD have 10 lives. 9 lives are for cats :-) I will pray for a miracle. God definitely knows your needs.
Love the pics of your lil' man. Boys, ropes and knives! So manly. Oh, and sisters' baby! So hilarious.
I know a good transmission guy.. :) Let us know if we can help. It is much cheaper now that we do not have a shop and over head so have terry call John.
I LOVE all of the pictures of Siah! He's such a handsome little man!
PRAISE GOD FOR THE LAND! David and I were shouting and jumping up and down (once we got out of the car) when we heard that all the paperwork was in! It was fun to watch C&D when they heard! Woohoo! I can't wait to run around out there again!
I guess there's a virus going around for vehicles! Let us know if we can help with any of those emergencies... like be a goat ambulance etc. :) We'll be praying that you can get the van fixed.... maybe it'll get fixed like our Trooper! ;)
So pleased to hear about the land! That's exciting news for sure!
Uh-oh... trouble there! Don't let the girls see him.
I love the pictures too! They are great....
Praying for your van... or that God will supply your need. I understand on a smaller version about having to work it all out as we go here and there....
oh I posted several pics.. thought you might like to look... our mini horses and all....
hope you are staying warm it is COLD here again!
Such a cute little guy. That is so exciting about the land for everyone. We are now looking at 160 acres-whoa!!! It is exciting to think about. Sorry about your car!!! Praying for the family and your hearts.....
Awww, that's so cute!
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