Siah and I have a "secret," (and it does not have anything to do with a baby) Its really a prayer. We have been praying about this little secret for 2 years now. It has to do with Joel and Josiah. He sometimes comes and asks, "are you still praying?" I assure him I most certainly am. Recently we were talking about it and he had his arms around my neck and he ask,"how much does it cost?" I told him it did not cost as much as Elijah's tractor so I think he was pretty confident that God could do that. The reason I am telling you, is because like with the tractor, I wanted to "write" it down so if the Lord grants the request, I can once again give Him the praise and you can be blessed as well with the testimony and I can come back to this post and we can all rejoice!! Like I said with the tractor, it could be days, months or years, but my little Siah and I will keep asking, seeking and knocking according to His will!!!!
Yesterday after church we went out to the land possibility that I mentioned several days ago that the boys are interested in and walked around. It is a bankruptcy auction of a house and over 700 acres. The land is divided into parcels of 40, 80 and 160 acres. They are looking at the 40 acre tracts. The house is a 7000 square foot house and it brought lots of thoughts to the things of this world. Its the largest house I have ever walked through. The house is not completed yet but it is adorned with elaborate and ornate wood work, Italian marble floors, inlaid oak floors, oak pillars and mantles with intricate carvings, a theater, and rooms galore on its 3 stories, several fireplaces and winding curving stairs in two places to go to the upper level. I can not help but think of this man that had a great vision and dream and now he has lost everything pertaining to the house. In the huge outside barn there is stainless steel appliances in their boxes, top of the line as you can imagine. There are tractors, bull dozers, and much heavy equipment awaiting new owners. He had a vision but His vision did not include the Lord obviously. Likely borrowing several million from the bank but could not keep the payments. So many scriptures came to mind, gaining the world yet loosing your soul, setting our hope in things that will rust and not last. My heart felt compassion for whomever this was as he has lost all. It reminded me too of our Great God in that as he said he was going to prepare a place, but it will be finished with all its glory and it will far exceed 7000 square feet in an unimaginable way!!! Since Joel's made it to heaven before me, the things of this world hold a different perspective. Though every good gift is from above, the things that last for eternity are much more dear to me now.
On the post below I shared about little Silas going to live with Jesus on Sunday. Please pray for their family. I listed their site below. We are called to weep with those who weep. May you and I enter in and through prayer ease the burden.
Well, its Monday and getting the house back in order, school and enjoying the great week of weather that is ahead. Our 23rd anniversary is Sunday the 8th. Wow, its gone by so fast. I am blessed!
Notice, how early I wrote this, the time change is good for farm people!

I love this picture and the sweet prayer you and Siah are waiting to be answered. I can't wait to hear the testimony one day. I know we will because the Lord is so faithful and sweet.
Cindy, Thank you for sharing...praying w/ you and Siah. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of this.
Always sharing.
Guess what? Our anniversary is Nov. 8th too...29 yrs. I thought that was so neat as I have shared my heart w/ you!
I LOVE the pic of Siah and you!! Beautiful...both of you.
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to join your sweet family in prayer...
Thank you, also, for the precious comment you left about "stepping stones". That was a breath of fresh wind to me. I look forward to those stepping stones that will lead me to a closer relationship with my Savior=)
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