November 2006
Monday 20- seems better except his leg, made an appointment at 2:45 because in talking to Mrs. Bailey and when he hit his head on the refrig. door, he could be bleeding in his head causing his eye to swell. They drew blood this time, his hemo is 7.3. The Dr. (our family one) said we need to make an appt. at Children's and get more ext. tests. The appt is for 5:15 Wed.
Tues. 21- slight fever late eve.
Wed. 22- Dr. appt, woke up cheerful and cooperative, walked around at the Dr. office, slept on way home, took nap after lunch, ate 1/2 hamburger and few more bites later, played playomoblies, got a bath.
Thurs. 23- (Thanksgiving) very whiney, not much breakfast, took morning nap, grumpy after nap, ate alot of turkey for lunch back on his bed, went outside for a while, took afternoon nap,woke up at 5:45, has fever 103*, gave him something for it, wants spagetti, eye is all swelled up and red, ate spag. around 7:15, laying on his bed.
Friday 24- fever 101* ate eggs and toast, his left eye is so swollen, shut actually, Fri afternoon 101* ate spaghetti around 2:30, fever 103* at 7pm, says his legs hurt, will not walk on his own.
Saturday 25- eye less swollen and red, cheerful spirits, ate eggs and toast, 2 bowls of cerel, played on the floor, still says his legs hurt and doesn't walk by himself, sat at the table for lunch but did not eat,Terry took him outside, took nap,ate dinner,played on the floor, seemingly no fever.
Sunday 26- eye only slightly red, not hardly swollen at all, still being carried, ate breakfast, having a good day, walked from chair to chair, went outside, and was pushed in eh stroller, ate dinner.
Monday 27- woke up cheerful, walked form the bar to the bedroom, very feeble, ate cereal and milk.
Tues. 28-good day, played outside, walked on his own, still pale, Dr. appt today, hemo dropped to a 7, they said come back Wed. and if not up they will transfuse
Wed. 29- fair day, Dr. appt. no fever thus far
Thurs. 30- woke up in the night crying and said his arm hurt, but has no swelling in teh eye, had fever most of the day, has been more awake, wanted us to hold hima lot, layed on his bed in the LR,ate 3 meals but very small.
Friday 1- kinda grumpy upon waking, have not taken temp, but does not feel hot, fever on and off through the day, ate only 2 meals, only wants to hold, no activity, just wants to sit and suck his passy
Sat. 2- ate breakfast, very grumpy, wants to hold and not walk
Sunday 2- ate breakfast, eye swollen, wants to go to church, not walking on his own, says his arm hurts and is puffy and tight, ate ok, no fever today
Monday Dec. 4- forearm slightly swollen, Dr. appt. today
Tuesday 5- during appt. on Monday, the Dr. said we needed to check into the hosp. immediately and start extensive testing, said it could be life threatening....... later today they have said it is likely neuroblastom a childhood cancer where solid tumors are throughout his whole body and in his bone marrow.
That was my last entry on my papers I have here. We started the blog around the 7,8 or 9, I can not remember and then you all began the rest of our journey with us. It was hard to my heart as I sat in my room this morning but now I am better. It seems like it builds up and it has to come out and also having written things down and looking back to this day. I needed to write that, it helps.
So life goes on, we are going to a football game tonight and we are probably going to freeze. Anna is making some cookies to take. I have the Strombli in the oven and we are waiting on the guys.
Mt dad, their Paps, has over the last 6 years sends the children Christmas money, so they are in high spirits "thinking and making their lists." He enjoys doing this for them, its a grandfather thing! It has been a blessing to us on many items that we have purchased over the years, like a stove top, piano, a couch and carpet and paint for a bedroom, so we try to get some useful things :)
Well, not much else, have a great weekend.
Oh......I have to tell you Dave and Kate did something to us. We talked on the phone yesterday and they said,"we know somebody that is engaged." Of course that sent us in a tizzy, trying to think what young person this was, we were guessing and going nuts. They told us the next time we see you, we'll tell you. So we invited them for dinner so they would have to tell us. They get here and do their normal adventure waiting thing, dragging it all out, giving hints and leading us on a rabbit chase. They finally said and the person engaged is ................................................................................................................................Mavie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats the baby in her belly, or the name we gave him or her. So Kate is close now!!!! We can hardly wait!!!!!! So we had dinner and they asked Kate to make dessert, so here is a preg. woman about to give birth making cookies!!!!! They were good!!!

My eyes were swelling with tears when I read those entries and I can imagine that is how your heart feels- swollen and overwhelmed at times. I am glad it feels better to get it off your chest and pray the Lord will sustain and bring much peace....... I am so so sorry you had this trial thrown at you in life.... my heart cries for you so much.....take care.....remember the good and remember sweet little Joel never has to feel another ounce of any kind of pain again.........
I cannot imagine your sadness. That was hard to read.
When I saw the word engaged, I guessed right on who was engaged. Too bad you didn't have a contest. HA! Exciting news.
Oh, thank you for sharing these journal entries. My heart goes out to you and is very tender toward you. I love looking at all the pictures of your family and sweet Joel...
That is so sweet that your family pools their Christmas money for something for the family. We usually pool our Christmas money from my parents to buy season passes to Silver Dollar City...we are blessed!
Dear Mrs. Morris & family,
I have been reading your blog since...oh, I can't remember! Since then though, I have gone back and read everything up to the day I I check nearly daily for updates!
I'm not one to comment, but have put this off long enough!
You have been such a blessing to me. Thank you for sharing much of your family with all of us...I am blessed to pray for your family and I think of you so often!
I honestly don't know what you are going through--but He understands and He will never give us more than we can handle...
I pray you'd be blessed just as you have blessed the lives of those around you!
Love & Prayers
a sister to seven
It seems those entries were mine. I know its hard thinking back to those days. Don't let the devil tell you you did something wrong, that you "should've known"........
Thank you for sharing your pain, even though it hurts us both. "when sorrows like sea billows roll", it seems to make more sense now.
mm. thanks for thoughts )
The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
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