***Keep em' comin', ya'll are sooo creative!!!!******
I am ready for some fun....so lets play a game, but first let me tell you what you could win....If your the WINNER, you will get a DVD of the Pendragon movie and a dozen of Best Ever Toffee Bars. Of all the desserts Anna makes, these are my favorite, they are so yummy!!!! Ok, here's what the game is, you have to give a caption to the picture that we have posted here. You have to give your name, no anonymous. I'll let you give as many as you want. We have 14 judges here and we'll give the prize to the best caption. Be creative!!!!! The deadline for the game will be Friday at noon. Alright......lets do it, I am looking forward to your creativity!!!!

"Its gonna blow! Its gonna blow off!"
Dear God...help meeeee!
Lord have Mercy! Hold on to your hat!!!
Are you SURE Daddy said we could do this???
"You're driving waaaay too fast Josiah! Slow dooooooown!" "Mercy, we're not even moving, I can’t reach the pedal!"
Which way to the NASCAR track?
"Aw shucks honey! I have been waiting for a new vehicle for ever so long and now you done gone and bought me this beauuuutiful tractor. I love it so much it makes me want to sing. Oh, home on the range. Where the deer and the antelope play. Where seldom is heard, a discouraging word..."
This is an adorable and precious picture. Thanks so much for continuing to share your amazing family and faith with all of us!
"Oh, that sun is so hot on my fair skin!"
"Hold on to yer hat baby!"
"Josiah, did you tell Mom we wouldn't be gone long?"
" Boy we're gonna have a big time."
as one young cowboy looks off into the distance, the other one says with growing urgency "Whyyy is myyy heAD GETTING BIGGERRRR....HELLLP"
“I can’t look! We’re gonna crash!” “We’ll make it Mercy, don’t worry.”
"I can drive with one hand… No Problem!"
{Yawning} I wish this thing would go faster!
Ashley Edwards
"Oh NO, not over the DOG!"
Sorry, I'm weird I know, but that was the first thing I thought when I saw it.
Life on the farm! Hold on! Farming Fun! Puttering along. Farming starts young around here.
Here are a few from me
*(In a good bugs bunny voice)" I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque"
*Hang on to your hat Sis, its going to be a bumpy ride
*Aww shucks slow down 'siah I just bought this hat!
*Now driving the number 50 tractor welcome Nascar's hottest drivers Josiah and Mercy!
*Close your eyes sis, I'm running that light!
and finally this one is from Ella because she loves toffee bars.
"Don't cry sissy, I'll get you home to Momma"
I have no idea how Ella came up with that but it was kind of cute!
I know we're only going 1 mile per hour but slow down!
Lord have Mercyeeeeehaw!
ahhh! i can't believe i forgot to match my hat to my boots!
"Oh come on now Maw we are almost back at the barn!!"
(Yodeled like the Van Trapps): One little girl in bright red boots sang, “Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo”
Hang on to the handle, not your hat silly.
"Who said I was too little to drive?!"
Hold on to your hat hun, we're almost home!
Women!!!! Bet she didn't take her nerve pill again today!
Oh no....I'm going to sssssssneeze!!!
The Buffalo and The Butterfly. :)
(My MIL used to give youth-meeting talks about how men and women are affected by things so differently.....this picture reminds me of that! I love the serious, steady, unsqueachable look in his eyes just as much as I am amused at the drama she portrays. Thanks for sharing the picture....it's adorable!)
Awwww Brother!! You said I could drive now!!
I've been farmin' longer than ya' think!!
This is an adorable picture. One of those that end up on collection plates.
Josiah says (as sang in "I Can See Clearly Now", by Jimmy Cliff), "I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. Here is that rainbow I've been prayin' for. It's gonna be a BRIGHT BRIGHT BRIGHT SUNSHINY DAY!"
Mercy says, "You can say THAT again!"
Michelle from icy Cincinnati, Ohio
If only she'd stop yacking. I'm really trying to concentrate here !
Hold onto your hat sister, we're going for a ride!
We have to turn around, Josiah! I forgot my purse!!!
"But I wanted the GEEEEN Don Deere tactor!"
"Farm responsibility starts early in life at the Morris' Home."
(love the photos, thanks for the fun!)
Which way to Elijah's first fire?
"The Bold and the Beautiful"
Adorable picture, too bad all the hat jokes were already taken lol.
"Does this tractor make my butt look big?"
Another crack at it for me lol
"We're going to have to be a part of the bailout package if you keep driving like that!"
Here are a few:
"Don't worry I learned to drive on Mario Kart Wii!"
"Men, they never ask for directions!"
"Must be a La John Deere- (a french tractor) because you are driving from the wrong side"
"Aww man! I forgot my purse!"
Oops, that anonymous was me!
"I Can't watch, but just keep driving!"
"My hat is too big!"
"Don't worry, we are almost to the store."
"My hat doesn't want to go!"
Great Balls of Fire Josiah! Slow down.. It is my favorite hat.
"Just hang on a minute, Mercy, we're almost there."
"Show a Little Mercy!!!!"
Jo SIAHs, wipes his brow, and says: "Lord, please give me Grace...because I've got enough MERCY to last me a lifetime!"
Love Must Be Tough
Women Are From Venus, Men Are From Mars
(Next time you'll have to limit the entries.. HA HA It's a cute picture and I've enjoyed coming up with ideas. It's been my after-children's bedtime/wind-down activity for the past 2 nights.)
"Estrogen and Testosterone in the Wild West"
The title cover for a new book by Dr. James Dobson: "Enjoy the Ride......How to Celebrate the Differences in Your Marriage".
Aren't you glad God made men and women different?!! :)
-Janice (I'm done now!)
Mercy (singing Amarillo Sky at the top of her lungs): "And he takes the tractor another round"
Josiah: Tell me about it.
"Country boys and girls gettin' down on the farm."
"Yehaww! Let the good times roll!"
"Hang on to yer hat sis; I'm grabbin' third."
"That's something to be proud of"
Ohhhhh-klahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain
Who said I was too little to drive?!
OOOPS, posted that last one twice!
"I wish she's stop asking me questions about this tractor - to tell the truth, I don't know a single answer to them. I just tell her it's too complicated to explain."
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