We have not had a "caption contest" in awhile and this picture needs one!!! You can suggest as many as you like, we will pick a creative one, no anonymous, and we will go through Friday, 9th and I will announce the winner at 5 pm!! And you will get some wind chimes from Hobby Lobby!!!! I just got some a few weeks ago and have them hanging right outside our new kitchen window and they are so cheerful!!!! Be creative.....you could be the winner!!!!!!!!

"Somebody pulled a Daniel with this thing 'n now we gotta fix it."
~Guess Who :)
"Maybe If I pull this lever and then hit this...nope, it's still not runin'!"
Mercy: oh forget it, lets just get a new one!
~Maggie B.
Josiah: tag your it.
Josiah:Mercy,hide quick, here comes Dad!!
Mercy: Siah, I don't thinks there's enough room for BOTH of us!!
Mercy:Siah are you sure you remember how to get this thing started?
peek-a-boo, I see you!
Mercy: Siah I think it would be easier if we used a hoe instead of trying to turn these things with our hands.
Mercy: I think we ought to leave this to dad!
Mercy: Are you SURE that dad said it was broke? It looks FINE to me!
Mercy:"now WHAT did dad say needs fixed on this thing?"
Josiah:oil needs changed, needs more gas,levers are broken,wheels are flat,engine won't start,blades are broke,needs new handles,and the thing is JUST USELESS!
Josiah: this is just NOT going to work!
Mercy:well, if we hadn't used it to pull the sled this winter, maybe it would run!
Here kitty, kitty,kitty!!!
How do the Caption Contests work?
I told you Dave wasn't under here!
I'll push, you pull.
What's the use. I'm not so sure we'll be able to use this volleyball again.
"Mercy, do you see your jump rope?"
Siah said.
"YES, but it is all wrapped around the blade thingie!" Mercy said.
LOL! Too far to participate but I have enjoyed reading the captions!! Look forward to seeing the winning one!
Best wishes from South Africa!
"I think I see what's broken. Nope that's not it. Wait. Nope that's not it either. Pass me the wrench."
Hurry up before Dad sees us...
UH OH what did you do to the volleyball. The big ones are gonna be upset!
"I'm tellin' you the truth-- Troy Bilt it, You broke it, I can fix it!"
Josiah: I don't think this thing will ever run again!
Mercy: No problem. We'll just give it to Dave for his birthday.
Hey, hand me the philips screwdriver...no, the one with the flat head! :D
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