Saturday 24th- 13 of the 14 Morris crew members head for Tulsa to play BB/VB with a dear family and fellowship. The 14th member hangs in town (Elijah) for the 89 Parade which he has the opportunity to drive a firetruck in. Leave Tulsa at 5pm and head back home asap, because one crew member wants to go the the Oklahoma Thunder/Laker BB game! No one else wanted to pay out the ear to go! Caleb did get a ticket for $30. At the door folks were selling them for $200! As soon as we arrive home, Caleb heads to the game. Daniel, Micah, Andrew, Josh head to the land to check deer cameras. Prepare dinner! Crew members from land arrive, eat pie, pick up a sister crew member and head to the rodeo, again! One sister crew member stayed in Tulsa with a girly friend! Small crew members here with "captian and co-captain!"
I wonder where the "waitress is who needs to clean the kitchen up??"
So ready for a nice cozy bed.........
Sunday 25th- church and glad its not at our house, no preparation :) hopefully rest after church for the next "flights!!"

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