Did you see Jesus today? May we look for Him in all that we do!
we are in bondage, all have sinned.....

He came from the heights of glory
to walk the dusty roads for sinners.....

He was scourged and beaten.....

they put a crown of thorns upon His head.....
and nails through his hands and feet......

he died upon a tree....

he invites sinners to come and drink of the living water....

he did all this for you and for me..... to set us free........
It was such a nice day today, Anna was just out taking random pictures and I saw Jesus in all these, just wanted us all to remember what He has done.

Beautiful!! The shower looks good. Hope your heart is full of peace and love. May He bless your heart and heal open wounds. Blessings
Oh, those are just beautiful pictures! They are giving me such a peaceful feeling as I'm about to go to bed! Thank you for that post, Mrs. Morris! I loved it!
Oh, and tell Caleb and Dan that I am thoroughly enjoying their cd! It is amazing! Good job! I believe my favorite song is Be Thou My Vision.
Thank you Cindy and Anna. I love the pictures and I love the wisdom you shared with us through them.
So beautiful! I'm going to keep my eyes open for Jesus around here. Thanks for sharing.
good post, good pictures!!!
Isn't God so incredible... all of His creation sings His praise. I love to look for things that remind me of His life and work here on the earth. If this is only a glimpse... imagine what heaven must be like! If only Joel could come and explain for us. :o)
Came by before and again couldn't comment .... so had to wait. Such great words and wonderful pics.
LOVE the pictures, Anna! Jesus reveals Himself in so many ways - may we have attentive hearts to see and hear Him!
Thanks for this great reminder, Mrs. M!
You two work well together. Beautiful pictures! Awesome words! Our Jesus is everywhere - Hallelujah!!
Wonderful job on the pictures and on the comments above the pictures. Thanks for drawing my attention to the details.
What a beautiful post!
Beautiful pictures! Thanks so much for sharing!
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