The baby shower was very nice. Little Lilian got soooo many cute things!!!! Did you see the tiny flip flops on the cake???? I saw those and snatched them up so quick, knowing they were to be Mavie's without a doubt!!!! We have known Dave now for about 2 1/2 years and there has only been likely a handful of times that he did NOT have on flip-flops! He wears them rain, sun, snow, church and workin' on his farm!!! They are his signature!! You know he's an "island man," born and raised until his teens in Guam!!! So when I saw those flip-flops, I knew Mavie had to have them!!! Lilian is so sweet, she's growing and being hauled around and held by the Morris' and she is getting lots of "adventures" out on the prospective 160 acres as Dave and Kate go non-stop with her hangin' in a pouch!!
That was one busy weekend!! This week also looks like I'll have to have it in third gear too. Elijah has volunteer fire training on Thurs. He's going to some sort of tornado training. And remember the Wisconsin wedding the children went to? Remember Matt, refried beans, snow and all that craziness?? Since the wedding was up there they are going to have another reception here for those that did not make it to the wedding. So Friday night we are going to that and Caleb and Daniel are suppose to play at the reception. Then on Sat. night Terry and all the fathers of our church fellowship are meeting together to discuss plans and visions.
Congratulations to JOSIAH DANIEL MORRIS!!!!!! He is the proud owner of a "top spot" on another set of bunk beds given to us. We now have 4 sets of bunk beds in the boys room. The configuration of them works well, they are in the master bed room so its big and roomy.One thing about this house it has worked well with our size family. It was so nice to have the space for this weekend, the BD party, church and the shower. I have been working on the front bathroom. Making it western/rustic looking. The walls are textured and ready to paint. We have the tool to take the old tile off the floors so hopefully soon I can get the pink tile out of there. Its not looking to good with a western shower curtain and pink tile!!!! A little at a time is the way we have to work with projects around here.
I think I need a nap.....

I first wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blogs. It is very encouraging to hear and see your daily faithfulness to our God, even when faced with such a loss as you have. In reading your blog today I noticed you talking about the bunk beds that were given to you. We have recently got my son a new loft bed with a desk and have no need for the bunk bed he was using. I also have both of the bunkie boards and one mattress to go with it. I didnt know if you still needed one or not, I would gladly to pass it along to you. my email is
So glad you posted about the shower - we are so sorry we missed it! Any more pictures?
O family
I love it... how precious. YOU are such a blessing.
Everything is beautiful!
Again, you encourage me!
Mike/Amber are at a conference in Orlando and they went to the Lego store and bought a present for Wyatt but while she was there.. she found some Lego man cookie cutters! I thought of your cheerleaders... and was so excited b/c I will be able to make LEGO cookies! Thanks for always sharing .... and bringing glory and honor to the Lord.
Cute family! Sweet friends!!
You will have to post pics of the before and after of your bathroom.
Ohhh, I loved he cake and the little flip flops. How cute! Brown and pink are my favorite color combinations for sure. :D
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