All the Way My Savior Leads Me
All the way my Savior leads me; What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy, who thro' life has been my Guide?
Heavenly peace, divinest comfort, Here by faith in Him to dwell
For I know, what e'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well
For I know what e'er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well
( the verse above describes our life before Joel's illness)
All the way my Savior leads me; Cheers each winding path I tread,
Gives me grace for every trial, Feeds me with the living bread.
Tho' my weary steps may falter, And my soul a'thirsty may be,
Gushing from the Rock before me, Lo! a spring of joy I see
Gushing from the Rock before me, Lo! a spring of joy I see.
(above, these verses describe our journey, our trial)
All the way my Savior leads me;O the fullness of His love
Perfect rest to me is promised In my Fathers house above.
When my spirit, clothed immortal, Wings its fight to realms of day
This my song thro' endless ages; Jesus led me all the way.
This my song thro' endless ages: Jesus led me all the way.
(and the ones above here, describe how to finish it out.....till I see Joel......amen!)
I have been hearing this song at our house and I have been reading the words for a week or so and it means alot to me.....
We miss you Joel
you still !!!
For this God is our God for ever and ever:
he will be our guide
even unto
Ps. 48:14
(you can click on the pictures of Joel and enlarge if you like)

Only the Lord knew Hosie and Joel would be tied together on this day.

Happy 8th Birthday Hosanna!!!!!
What a special little girl you are!!!
You know all about babies and taking care of
little sisters and tumbling
around with 9 brothers!!!
I am so thankful for your help around the house.
I am especially thankful for your faith
in Jesus as you invited
Christ into your heart
this past year.
I already see sweet fruit!!
We love you, our Hosie and many blessings
on your
special day!!

OSU Cheerleader Party pictures coming tonight....hopefully!!!!!!
Wow, so much in one day.
Thank you for sharing all this with us. Makes me realize what is really important.
Hello everyone!
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I wanted to tell you hello today and that I kept this date in my mind to be praying for you all. I know the tears may fall today and at the same time be laughter. Joy and pain all in one but my prayer is that there is a peace over your home that only comes from the Lord. THinking of you all today.May His comfort feel ever so evident today.
Hosie is beautiful! I hope she has a special day! Great pictures.
You are on my heart today!!! I love you CIndy!!!
I wanted to tell you hello today and that I kept this date in my mind to be praying for you all. I know the tears may fall today and at the same time be laughter. Joy and pain all in one but my prayer is that there is a peace over your home that only comes from the Lord. THinking of you all today.May His comfort feel ever so evident today.
Hosie is beautiful! I hope she has a special day! Great pictures.
You are on my heart today!!! I love you CIndy!!!
Thought's and prayers as you reflect, rejoice, cry and celebrate.
The Mayo Family
Crying and rejoicing with you today.
Happy 8th Birthday Hosanna!
Have a fun day!
When I woke up this morning... I got my phone (blackberry) and went right to your blog.... thinking/praying for you. I tried to comment but it would not let me. :( grrr....
So I am here now... looking at all the pics of Joel... Alyssa & I are sitting here... remembering. I saw your song and this morning when I walked and had my ipod on that song played. I have it on my ipod... Chris Tomlin sings it. I made Alyssa bring it to me (now) and I read the words while it played. I am thinking of you. My heart hearts with you....
I love how the Lord gave you a weekend with HIS promises. How He walks with us through these things.... wedding, birth, death. I am so thankful too that He never leaves us nor forsakes us.
Can't wait to see the pics of Hosie's birthday. It is Mandi's birthday today... Alyssa & I will make her a red velvet cake in just a bit.... and the boys already gave her something they made. Her and I will go out.. for a girls night next week.
You encourage me.... your faith and love for your family inspire me to keep on keeping on... through the hard times. I am so thankful... for your friendship.
Our Wyatt turns 8 in two weeks like Hosanna. He also accepted Jesus this year....
Thinking & praying for you TODAY.
Much love,
We are remembering you all and sweet little Balley today. "What a day that will be!!"
Praying for you and looking forward to fellowshipping tomorrow, Lord-willing.
Happy b-day to Hosie!! I remember holding her the day after she was born. Y'all were so glad to have a girl. ;) May the Lord grow you much in your faith in Him this next year, Hosie!
Happy Birthday Hosanna!!!!! What a beautiful little cheerleader she is in the pictures. She has really grown up so quickly. 8!!! Where has the time gone? She is getting to be quite the little lady.
Thinking of you and your family on Joel's heaven day. I was thinking of him last night as I lay in bed, and first thing this morning I said a prayer. You all are never far from my mind and always in my heart
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