Over at Kelly's, she is having a "Kitchen Tour." I thought I would participate because I wanted to share and encourage all the mommy's way younger than me and as they begin their families. The Lord has blessed us with 13 children and our kitchen is very much "used." Its a place where we share meals, laugh, prepare and do canning from our acre garden, its a place where one of my daughters pasteurizes milk for her goat kids, a place where we grind wheat and make bread and do our school work, our kitchen may be a little out of date but it is filled with fun, joy and alot of beautiful noise!!
and a Viking mixer......
Thanks for stopping by and know that And by knowledge shall all the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches......Prov.24:4 We are "rich!!!"
It's lovely. And so clean! Thanks for the tour.
Beautiful. Functional.
So many sweet moments take place in the kitchen and at the dinner table! A very important part of the house.
Thanks for sharing.
I love that blue. So clean and refreshing.
WOW!!!! I had to stop when you said 13 children!!!!! AMAZING! I'm worn out with one! ha! I bet your house is full of fun and laughter - love that you have two big tables! I'm sure there is never a dull moment. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks for sharing, it is so cute!! So inviting!!
wow! 13 children and your kitchen is so organized and nice! :) Love it! :) great kitchen!
Hi, Cindy, Thanks for stoppin' by my blog! Your kitchen is so comfy-cozy...I am inpressed by how you have incorporated all that is required to feed a large family, but still have it homey, not industrial. Blessings to you and yours!
The blue is really fun! I love blue. Check out my turquoise obsession :-)
That is a very blue countertop. What I really like about your kitchen is it reminds me of a kitchen that takes care of lots of people. While my childhood kitchen did not look like yours it takes me back to my childhood. Man, I would love some lemonade!
I would love to have a large family..now if only I could convince my husband LOL. Your home is beautiful thank you for opening it up to all of us!
Thank you for sharing your lovely home and family!!
P.S. Click the "LillySue" link at Kelly's and come visit my kitchen!
Thank you, Cindy! Your kitchen is great! I realized that people wouldn't be able to see the wood ceiling over the table so I posted another picture that shows it better. Hope you are having a wonderful Friday!!!
I really liked your kitchen as soon as I saw the pictures but after I read your post it made me LOVE your kitchen.
You have some wonderful kitchen tools, Cindy!
Thanks for your compliments on my kitchen! I really enjoy seeing yours too because I am in total awe in admiration of a mother of 13!! I had your family in my prayer journal for quite awhile during your loss of your precious son and hope that time (and the Lord) is slowly starting to heal the pain of your loss. I can't imagine how hard it must have been. Blessings to your beautiful family!
Beautiful kitchen! I love the openness of the kitchen, dining, & living room!
You have a beautiful home Cindy. Full of love and laughter makes it even more special. Thanks for sharing. When I figure out how to post a link, I'll be sure to add some of my own :)
Thank you for stopping by my blog! Wow 13 children! What an amazing and blessed woman you are. I can imagine you spend alot of time in your kitchen. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for visiting our kitchen and for sharing yours. I am in awe of you! 13 children, home schooling and home churching!! AND... your home looks immaculate!! I think I have that same wallpaper in a room in my house! LOL!!
My husband is the oldest of 12 (no goats there though)- so I know how busy your kitchen is! My mother in law too is a big fan of her wheat grinder and Bosch...she raised her boys on lots of delicious homemade wheat bread!!
Your kitchen is so clean for having 13 children! It must be so fun to be at your house at dinner time.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Your comment was so sweet! What a beautiful family you have! Many fun memories are being made in that kitchen! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!
Thank you for wanting to encourage the new Moms out there...I'm one of them! I love that verse in Proverbs....it's in the header of my blog! 13 children must make your home so full of blessing and happy craziness. Thanks for letting us look!
Hi Cindy, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your comments. This is the first time I have ever done anything like this so it was exciting to get a few comments. I love your two huge tables and 13 children is a blessing not many get to experience. God bless you richly, Dianne
WOW! I love your kitchen and your blog! My husband is taking up gardening and we are trying to be more self-sufficient with things like that! What a blessing...13 children!
Wow, meals must be quite a production at your house! :) What a great family space you have created. Thanks for stopping by my blog too. :) This "house tour" is SO much fun, I am getting to "meet" so many new people.
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