What are these????? The first person to give the correct answer via comment will win a Joel's Journey DVD, and if your the winner and already have one, I guess you can share it with someone else. The Burnett's can not play........Post your answer by 10:00pm today, 10/9/08.
rabbit legs
quail legs???
maybe frog legs
Fried goat something!?
Those look really good!!!
That last comment was from me.
It is something you shot, caught, or basically killed...and then fried...and then ate. It looks like there is a skinny bone thing at the end...some kind of leg I would imagine ??? I really think they are deep fried frog legs cuz they just look the most like that to me and that would be something fun and crazy you and the Burnetts would do together.
Just my guess ;)
I think it is goat on a stick kind of like a corn dog
Fried goat chops!
Marie in NC
I'm going for prairie oysters- from goats.
I was thinking mountain oysters at first.... hoping for squirrel though!
it's on a stick so it's from a fair, and you all just got back from a fair. so it could be anything, especially if it came from the ethnic village. Deep fried goat backstraps, on a stick.
well I'm scared to ask, I think it has to do with a goat since you tried it last week and hadn't before, so final answer goat chops, fried. Ya'll are brave I just couldn't do it.
It can't be goat...goat meat is a bit darker and that isn't something really weird that you'd make a contest over right? Goat is super yummy. I still think frog legs, but then I read some people though prarie oysters...oh, I hope not! :)
Maybe it is really something simple like chicken and you are trying to make us think it's weird ????
Nah...I'm sticking with frog.
When are you posting the answer? Our whole family is in suspenders :)
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