***** Just a ridiculous side note...... people are selling these on e-bay for $100 each and this morning I heard a lady bought 3 of them on-line somewhere for $150 each....that's crazy!!!!! you can get them at Wal Mart for $8 if they ever have any on the shelves!!!!!!!!!!***********
Well......if your on the planet "earth" you likely know the Christmas toy craze!!!!! Now, I do!!! Its the Zhu Zhu Hamsters!!!!!! Whenever I went into a store, I would randomly check and see if there were any on the shelves but always not! I asked the other day at our Wal Mart and they said on 21-22-23 they were going to have first come basis for each day and could get a ticket and they would be selling like 46 each of those days. I thought , ok, I might get in on that so I called and got more info and they said, "oh yes, people will line up around midnight." I was not going to do that!! So this morning I called about 3 am and asked how many folks were there and there was only ONE. I called back at 5:15 am and still only one! So it was time to get up anyway and I had a few more things to get at Wal Mart for the party tonight, so I'll go check it out. One lady got there at 3:30 am! I got there and since there was only two of us, I went ahead and got my shopping done and went back to the line. I sat for about 45 minutes and then they passed them out!!! I had my shopping done my Zhu Zhu and could get home and start getting ready for the party!!!! Now...... for the fun!!!!! I am going to be your very dedicated blog friend, getting up, sitting in line and sacrificing a bit of extra sleep for YOU!!!!!! HEHEHEH!!!! I am going to give away this little Hamster and the Surf Board!!!!! Leave a comment, one per person and we'll put your name in the pot and have a drawing for the winner!!! We'll draw tomorrow, the 22nd at noon central time!!!! I"ll get it in the mail on Wed, the 23rd!!!!! Sounds like fun!!!!
Don't forget about ordering the guys music CD!!! See the button on the side!!!! Also our dear friend John-Clay Burnett, (he produced Joel's Journey DVD) has put together a short Christmas movie. Its five minutes long and costs $2 to download. Caleb and Daniel did the music on it!!! You can go here for all the info and download it!!!

I hope everyone is focusing on Christ! I know for me the memories are so screened before my mind of what our life was in 06. Joel, on these days was really doing well at home, enjoying playing and walking around slowly. The innocence that Joel had of what was really going on in his body did not affect him as far as being with his family, loving his farm and being comforted by his brothers and sisters. It is so hard on my mind sometimes as I think of "then" and I could not protect him from the monster of cancer that was eating away at this body. So it is Christ I must dwell upon, the baby in the manger that grew to be the God/man without sin, who died, rose again and is victorious over death, to give me the hope that I will be with my Joel again! Christ becomes more to a persons heart when one has walked or is walking in the "shadow of death." I do not want you to "know" what I know, but its only a knowing in a sense that as one suffers the scriptures says we shall reign with him. Thank you, Lord for Jesus, for the manger, for the cross, for the empty tomb, for HOPE...........for what I can not see now but one day will be face to face!!
We are scrambling around here....so much to clean and cook. Looking forward to fellowship tonight with friends, many whom because of Joel's sickness and testimony we were introduced to and re-acquainted with after not really seeing much of each other for years. The Stinson family, we have known for 23 years, they live in Tulsa but because of business of life, we did not stay in touch, but their family and church prayed for Joel, the Canning family we met through Joel's sickness and selling goats milk, the Gellenbeck family we met a bit prior to Joel's sickness but they sought to minister to us during all the trials. The day of the funeral our driveway was knee deep with mud and snow, their oldest son came and brought gravel and got it where folks could come to our house easier. Dave and Kate, we met Dave at a showing of Joel's Journey at a church, never knew him before. We met Kevin and Kim through the Gellenbeck family and all the volley ball we play with that crew in the summer. So many served and prayed and ministered to us. Thank you even after almost 3 years!!!
Have a great Monday.........
Here are a few pictures from our skating adventures on Friday night!!!! Our whole family was able to skate together!!!!!

Well, even though I am comment Number 1, and the odds of picking number one are about zero, I just thought I'd let you know that I check your blog every day and have enjoyed reading about your family. I admire your strength and dedication to your family and hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
I must not live on planet earth because I've never heard of a zhu zhu :) But if I win, I'm sure one of my nieces or nephews would love it.
Cindy, I'm praying for you often during this month. I love each one of your updates, love watching your family grow, work, and play together. What a wonderful day it will be soon when you are ALL together again forever!
I've been wondering what's so great about these hamsters. I wouldn't mind winning one so I could find out for myself! :)
Thank you for continuing to post about Joel. When the whole world (who's never lost a child) thinks I might lose "it", but I have my Lord and a few friends who've been there to tell me different - I'm ok!!!
Thank you so much for continuing to share your family with the rest of us.
I have never heard of them, but free is fun!
Wow. I must not live on earth either... because I've never heard of those cute little hampsters!
My little sister (almost 6) would have a heart attach if this was given to her! She'd love it, so I am entering for her. :)
You are very patient Ms. Cindy to get up at 3 am jsut to CALL to see if there was a luse!! :)
I love the pictures!! Except, where are the big girls?!
I love your blog!
Sarah G.
That sounds fun, never heard of them! Well,I put my name in.
That sounds fun, never heard of them! Well,I put my name in.
Sorry, I accedently put my post in two times!!!
I want one!
Wow! Looks interesting. Never heard of
them before!
I would like to have a Zhu Zhu for Sawyer. I think he would think it was funny! I can't find any around here, but I haven't gone crazy looking either. I just figured I'd get him one for his birthday in March, but it would be fun to win one too!
It looks like everyone had fun ice skating. That is one thing I would love to do more of ~ but don't.
I pray for you often knowing that this is a difficult time for you. xoxo
Honestly, i have never heard of zhu zhu either. But winning is always fun!
Well, since I would never buy one of those for my kids, maybe I could win one! HAHA!
Thanks for letting all of us share in your lives a little each week. Take care, and I LOVE your new addition to your house!
I've been following your blog for the past 3 years. Thanks for sharing your family.
~Rebecca Hatheway
Would love to win one for one of my young'uns....the harder part would be picking which one to give it to. :-)
Merry Christmas!
Love and prayers always for your aching heart!
So glad you let the rest of us in on a little part of ya'lls lives.
I really enjoy ready all about what is going on in your lives and you are such a blessing to so many.
I just heard about these hamsters the other day for the first time. The little boy that I babysit would love it!
I've been following your blog for 2 years and praying for your family. We live near Edmonton, Alberta and although I've never left a comment before I have a child of mine in mind if I were to win the zhu zhu!!!
Good job Mercy...you brave little girl . Passy will do fine without you :)
Like to see whats so popular about these zhu-zhu hamsters. i am wanting to buy a real one but i suppose a toy one will be just as good :)
Merry Christmas to the Morris family!!
We have not seen any zhu zhu pets in our part of the country and I shopped many times. I hate shopping so I go for an hour or so and then I'm done for awhile. Right now I am really done !! lol.
Thanks for the give away.
Hi Cindy,
Thank you so much for sending the Joel's Journey DVD to us. I was not expecting the huge blessing I received by watching it. I was so encouraged by what a beautiful, loving family you have. I always get a blessing from your blog and thank you for spending the time on it.
Amy Sennes
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I found your blog when you made a comment on Cora's blog and I have been truly blessed to hear your heart and pray for you since then.
Praying in WA,
So thanks to your picture I now know what a Zhu Zhu Hamster looks like. Ella has one sitting under our tree wrapped from her uncle in WA, my sister in law got it earlier on this year I had never even heard of them. I have half a mind to sell it on ebay! LOL
Ella will love it, she is a little animal lover, wants a real hamster but not sure I want to make that committment yet.
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