Well....this morning started off interesting!! Over the last week or so, I would go into the boys room and smell something. At first I thought it was just boys....you know! I had Terry vacuum under the bunk beds thinking something had fossilized, decomposed or of that sort, but the smell still lingered! Today we have found the problem....we just have window units for air in some of the rooms, water had run out of the window sill, down the wall, onto the carpet and had spread about 5 feet from the wall. It was sopping! A mattress was wet partially as well. A big mess!! Really there is no way to fix this, its just ruined, so Micah and Andrew cut the carpet and took it all out, carpet and pad. I guess picture a square and 1/4 of it is gone....pretty huh???? Oh well, I am sure if Job had messengers telling him his carpet was ruined and also his Bosch Machine bowl was sat on the stove burner while still on and the bottom of it melted, he would have been thrilled verses the message he DID receive. Reality is, this is a "piece of cake" compared to Joel. I would take Joel over a nice house and everything broken any day!! So, I am saying, its all so trite compared to so many facing life threatening diseases and illnesses and so many mothers missing their toddlers because of death, like Meredith, Angie, Katie and her new baby, Jessica Kate, Ashley, Jess, these are a few I pray for every day as they grieve.......
So busy today, Bethany is swamped with getting ready to take the goats up this afternoon. I am trying to do school and then need to prepare our lunch and dinner to take to the show tomorrow. We'll be there all day and on Wednesday as well!!
The baptism went well yesterday in our pond as the church families gathered around. A little cold but it was a wonderful sight! Dave and Kate were with us all day and as always had a great time with them. The "littles" love his adventures, like reading book and stuff!!
So much to do.....better go!!!

Praying for you as you go to the goat shows tomorrow and Wednesday.
We had the same thing happen in Mandi's room and Dakots's. It also wet part of the mattress... We took down part of the sheet rock in Mandi's room...
But like you said the small things. I often tell myselfnot to sweat the small stuff.
So thankful to see the pics rejoicing with you!
I am so glad you posted the baptism pictures. I was wondering how it all went. Congratulations to them and the choice they made. What a wonderful thing to rejoice with them and know that they are following the path God has made for them.
Sorry about the carpet and bowl, doesn't it always seem like things all happen at once like that?
I'm trying to tear myself away from my computer too.....
My husband has been talking about baptism with the kids as well, and it's something he really feels strongly about. We feel strongly about Daddy baptizing everyone. All of our kids, except Sofia cause she's just three, have asked the Lord into their hearts, and we feel baptism is very important. Would you please pray that our kids would be ready??
When I read about your carpet problem and the Bosch problem, I nearly laughed out loud, because it sounds like stuff that happens here! If you tilt your air conditioners just a bit, that won't happen again.....Hope you get things dried out.
Yeah, I'd rather grieve melted bowls and ruined carpet than have to give up my babies to the Lord..........
Take care today.
So sorry to hear about all the mishaps. When it rains, it pours doesn't it? I am glad to hear that you are choosing to rejoice always! :)
I just received an email from MarmeeDear & Co. and they just posted their 4th quarter Bosch specials. Here is the info if you are interested:
But an extra bowl for your BOSCH MIXER - all STAINLESS STEEL with the center post so you can use cookie paddles or wire whips too! Regularaly $89.99 now on sale while supplies last for only $49.99!
I am not an affiliate for this company but just thought I would pass the info along.
Have a blessed day!
-RaShell Southerland
We, too, are facing household repairs and we're trusting in our Faithful Provider to see us through.
What a beautiful scene... a father baptizing his own children.
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