Tuesday, September 8, 2009

a waterpot or a well ???

I have read through the book of John numerous times in these 2 1/2 years. The Gospels have been one of the most comforting places. I guess sometimes I think how can I hear more, I have read it so much but when I get like I am not hearing, I always start at the beginning of John and start reading it again. I have had many scriptures that have literally leaped off the pages, so to speak, but this one I am going to share today is profound to my heart, (not because of me but because of His Spirit.) I hope I can do the Holy Spirit justice in the powerful way that it spoke to me. The story is about the Samaritan woman in John 4, but here are the particular verses that spoke to my heart.

And he must needs go through Samaria ( v. 4)

Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being
wearied with his journey
sat thus on the well..... (v.6)

...but the water that I shall give him
shall be in him a well of water springing
up.... (v.14)

The woman then left her waterpot.... (v.28)

When Joel was here with us, in my mind and heart I would have said our lives are full, happy, we we sailing right along. Of course we had struggles, but they seemed small in a way. Looking back I would have to say I was living and drinking from a "waterpot." You see it was the Lord's will for us to do like the first verse I mentioned, and he must needs go through Samaria. It was a need, his will, his plan, his purpose and it was going to get me to the well where Jesus sat upon. Even though the journey through Samaria, our trial would be and is still very difficult, it would be bringing me to a Well that is deep with truths that I had yet to know, embrace and it would increase my thirst like I had never experienced thus far. My feelings rise high with hope on some days and they still fall so very low and these verses here give me something to reach for because I still struggle with His plans with Joel. Each day I have to choose to trust him and seek to rest that His infinite wisdom reaches farther than my feelings and questions. I feel like now I have been given the opportunity to drink, to experience the Well instead of a waterpot. You see a waterpot is filled from the top where as a well is fed from within. A waterpot is shallow and a well is deep. A well has an unlimited supply and of course a waterpot is limited. A waterpot seems to parallel with our human abilites and a Well displays a vastness displaying Someone bigger than man. Even though I thought my life was just right when Joel was here, my vision was short, my perspectives were narrow, my faith small, my thoughts were not heavenly as they are every moment now. I was drinking from a waterpot! Don't we all wish we could grow without pains, trials and sorrow, but in my finite wisdom, I do not think its possible. To be honest, I want to say, "I would have sat in my own contentment with my waterpot and Joel too. But His ways by far exceed what I think I want. I really want the Well and Joel but you see I had to go through Samaria first to get to the Deep Well and it was His plan that I take up a cross and follow him. So for now, in this life I have the opportunity to be filled with him even though I feel empty without Joel. I have the opportunity to share the truths with others that the Well gives as I journey this Samaria, I have the opportunity to not be limited with my supply because His Well will never run dry! Like the Samaritan woman said to Jesus, "Sir, give me this water," that is my request as well!! I'm tradin' my waterpot for a Well!!

First day of school for us today. It was good! I was blessed today by things I would normally overlook, just to get school over with. Hosanna's enthusiam, Jeremiah's quick answers, Josiah's presence in just being here with us and his abilities to make perfect A's in writing, Joshua's beautiful penmanship and I did not even hear any complaints from Andrew and Micah working in the other room. If each day could flow like today, I think it'll be ok.

The goat travelers did not get a goat at the sale. Bethany was disappointed but just have to rest it was the Lord's will, Busy week ahead. Trying to get Josiah's BD ideas together and still remember Joel too. Bethany has a goat clinic on Sat on learning how to AI goats. Terry will likely go to the last Farmer's Market and Anna has to take photos down town for the State Fair. And Friday is grocery day!!! Whew!!!


Janet said...

You have a very busy week! Sending hugs from SA!

-stephanie- said...

I love this post. You always make me stop and think and encourage me to dig deeper in to my bible. thanks.
Have a great school year.

Katie said...

Thank you for sharing; wow, this spoke to me and encouraged me beyond words. What a blessing, and how God is using you, thank you.