Since Anna's BD was squeezed in between the Dairy Show at the first of the week and the Boer show tomorrow, and it all happened at the State Fair, I thought that would be a fun theme. And I had thought of this before I decided a few weeks ago that anyone over 16 will just get a nice dinner, dessert and a gift!!! So unless I change my mind, which I could this is the last theme party for anyone over 16!!! SO........Anna's party was a A State Fair Party!! I got her 17 balloons and later we let them go "UP" to Joel!! We had a yummy meal, roast, sweet potato casserole, purple hull peas, rolls and Anna had cheesecake for her dessert!! Dave and Kate joined in on the party and he was low key since my dad was here :O It was a great day for Anna!!
I got grocery shopping behind me and all unloaded. Bethany and a crew went to take the Boer goats, get settled, wash, dry and they will not be home until later this evening! This morning most everyone, (cept me) went to a Wild life Expo that is only about 20 minutes away at the Lazy E arena. This is a major Micah and Andrew thing. Now, I have to make bread for our lunches tomorrow, fix chili for our dinner when we get in form the fair/show. I am looking forward to next week being our normal routine of school and being home!! I'll have to tell you I bought a couple of Sam's pizza's for tonight, I could not bring myself to do more cooking after shopping and what I already have to do!!
well, I better go..... as always I say thank you for keeping up with us, it is soooo encouraging to know that Joel is not too far from your thoughts when you come here!!

I love how you decorate for the birthdays!
I love hearing and peeking into your lives...
How fun! Enjoyed the pictures.
Anna, thanks for being such a dear friend to me! Love you!! :)
Looks fun!
You are right, your little Joel is not far from my thoughts.
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