i read two verses over the last
few days Luke 18: 17,
Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein
John 18:36
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world...
a little child can teach us much
i LOVE this picture
of Siah
he's going somewhere on that bike
so are those that know Christ....
......to His kingdom
to have determination
as a little child
to have faith
as a little child
to have the simple things
as a little child......
a sparkle in the eye
a smile on the face
all the while
we race
to His
I am so thankful
the best
to come.....
and that i will get to see a little
child that i miss so much
in His kingdom!
because of Joel
i think of His kingdom....
almost every moment
do you?
are you going to His kingdom??
are you living for His
Now how bout' a Caption Contest?!?!?!?!? Lets name this picture and we'll go until Monday 21st at noon!!! No anonymous and you can give a caption as many times as you like!!! The prize.....some Fall goodies!!!!

few days Luke 18: 17,
Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein
John 18:36
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world...
a little child can teach us much
i LOVE this picture
of Siah
he's going somewhere on that bike
so are those that know Christ....
......to His kingdom
to have determination
as a little child
to have faith
as a little child
to have the simple things
as a little child......
a sparkle in the eye
a smile on the face
all the while
we race
to His
I am so thankful
the best
to come.....
and that i will get to see a little
child that i miss so much
in His kingdom!
because of Joel
i think of His kingdom....
almost every moment
do you?
are you going to His kingdom??
are you living for His
Lets see......Thursday......school, which is going well, I do not have any complaints. Everyone is working hard and completing the days work. The guys are doing a small job close by, the big job they have been on is delayed because of the rain we have had. Next week will be a whirlwind with the State Fair. Bethany will take goats up on Mon. Show on Tues and Wed. with the Nubians. Will be home on Thurs. Then back on Friday and show on Saturday the Boer goats. Most of us will be there, Caleb, Daniel and Elijah will have to work while Terry helps with the goats. The shows are a fun thing our family enjoys doing together and mix that with a few Go-cart rides and wahoooo!!! Anna's BD is Thursday the 24th, she'll be 17!!! Her BD is going to be very low key!! As a matter of fact, I have to tell you all that I have made a "new decree!!" A person will get their last theme party at age 16 :( I asked them what age they wanted to stop, either, 14 or 16. Micah said, "16!!!" He said he needed ONE more!!! I know they have all been blessed by them and I'll miss doing them. Lord willing, I still have ALOT of parties to do!!! Oh, well.......I have to come to a halt someday!! We'll still celebrate but with a special meal, dessert and a gift.
Now how bout' a Caption Contest?!?!?!?!? Lets name this picture and we'll go until Monday 21st at noon!!! No anonymous and you can give a caption as many times as you like!!! The prize.....some Fall goodies!!!!

What in the world is Dave up to now?
What in the world is Dave up to now?
Sorry, I didn't realize it said no anonymous
what are you looking at Dave
Why is everyone looking at us
*gasp* They were right!!! The grass IS greener on the other side! :)
(l to r) Love, Joy, Peace, and Longsuffering.
What are we waiting for ?
Please! Can we come too?
hey guys,come check out the new "kid" on the block!
I tell ya, those people persons sure can get a little WILD at their birthday parties!!
Hey,come back..we're just "kidding"!
ok "kids" look really close...they say if you look hard enough you can see the caterpillar turn into a butterfly.
wow,did you see that?! that looked like a "goast"
Which one is that..... Anna, Elijah, I know it isn't Bethany..... they look sooooo much alike!
So why weren't we invited to the party, we haven't been b-a-a-a-d.
"Goat milk?"
(cheesy--ha! more puns!--but it just popped into my head when I saw the photo. ; )
one potato, two potato, three potato, four...
I loved reading the comments! They made me laugh...my heart is heavy thank you for the laughter.
His mercies are new each morning...
yes...yes....is it? and he made a touchdown!!!! they sure are good at football huh!
ah ha!! I think I finally got how that latch on that gate works!!!
WOW...I've always wanted to see a rose bloom!!
that little "kid" Mercy...She is just SOOOO cute!
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