For the sake of my family, I so want to "be happy." Those that are, lets say above the age of 13, can pretty much detect "how" I am doing. In my own evaluation, I think I have many good days yet as I read a scripture this morning it falls so true to my heart. Ps. 18: 4 & 5 The sorrows of death compassed me...... v5) ....the snares of death prevented me. I do not want the sorrow to encompass me and define my days, many times I feel like I am prevented from joy and happiness, like it is something so foreign to me, to really, really feel happy for an extended length of time. Its like the enemy sets traps snares for my emotions and I fall in them. I do not want to be prevented from "going on with life." But the problem is, how do you do it? As I said before, its such an exercise in my mind to stay upon the truth, but as I read this today, I want to do it, I want to for the sake of the others in this house. Lord willing, there are many "happy days" ahead in our family, children's futures, steady work, friends, being together on our little farm........I must purpose to "count my blessings."
School is around the corner for us as with many of you. I am trying to do a little preparing, yet I must confess, I 'd rather plan a BD party! I am not a "teacher," but I guess we do not have to be, we just have to be a mom and love our children and do the best we can. Seems like the first set, Caleb, Daniel, Bethany, Elijah and Anna retained info and learned quicker and easier. I think if I can get through phonics with the littles, I might have hope! They do learn so much by being out on the farm that will be skills that will benefit them maybe even more than a book! Terry does do alot in the evenings with our school work and it is very helpful, he is gifted at teaching. I will probably just use the same ole stuff in the phonics area, but does anyone have any suggestions with material that has worked well with your little people?
guess I'll go see about the coffee......

Hi Cindy! Glad they made it home. I bet they had fun but are glad to be back. Don't beat yourself up for feeling sad...... The Lord will provide joy, maybe you won't feel it for awhile or ever to the fullest even as there will always be a sadness for the loss but never the less God will be your Joy. Your children are blessed to have a sensitive, loving mother, it is obvious how much you love them all.
Oh about reading.... I am just beginning!!! It is weird that I am responsible for their "knowledge" of school material....... Pray for guidance here. I am clueless!!!
John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
He IS the source of our peace and our joy! What a great comfort in knowing that - even in our times of sorrow and fearfulness. You are a blessed mommy!! And your children are blessed to call you Mom.
I am praying for you sweet friend!
My mom is doing much better. She looks great and is feeling great. She is sooo happy to be home. Dad is back in OK trying to finish up the sale of the stores.
ps For phonics, we use Alpha Omega Horizons. Love the readers! And when they finish the Kindergarten books they are pretty much ready for second grade.
I never had the opportunity to home school, but then my daughter was an only child (not by choice - I would have loved more!) so I think for her going to school was important to build social skills! What a wonderful chance though - especially out on the farm! Life skills are so much more important aren't they?
I am looking forward to the next birthday party photos! Have a lovely day - with love from South Africa
Phonics Pathways worked for us. And BOB books :)
Cindy, I just posted on my blog about the phonics thing... funny how we keep thinking on the same things. LOL I am finding with my olders... they retained but with my two youngest.... ugh. You will see as you read my blog.
Yes, Joy will come.... and I am praying for you. I can't imagine what you are going through... and so I am careful with my words. I do not want to sound trite or insensitive. Again, I love when you share about Joel ... and that scripture really says it all. Exactly how you are feeling... He will substain you. He will give you HIS Joy... HIS Peace.. HIS strength.
I know it may sound funny.. as we have not met face to face but I love you... my friend!
I am a teacher and have taught preschool- 5th grade. A great on-line and free program is It is a Pre-K - 2nd grade reading program. You can even download worksheets to go with the concept.
Hey Cindy, My boys love also.
I've used Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons with both Zane and Corban. Corban is on lesson 76 and doing great. Since Ava's been born I only do a half of a lesson a day with him.
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