By now, you have probably caught on to........."we love Dave and Kate!!" (our newlywed neighbors) We love to have them over here, be with them!! Dave is a godly young man yet he is filled not only with the Holy Spirit but with plenty of adventure. His personality is exciting and you can't help but "feel" happy and lively just by being around him and then with his little sidekick, Kate, it only adds up to a huge blessing of fellowship when your with them!! For some reason we got to using the term "adventure." Our family and Dave and Kate are always looking for "adventures" for each other, either to give or to do! So this week when Terry and the guys were at a job site and they saw this particular chicken, Terry was raving to us that this was indeed a "Mav Adventure chicken!!" Terry really wanted to get hold of one these and give it to Dave. Just the looks of it proves "adventure" like Dave and Kate!! Well, Terry asked the homeowner if he would give him one for a sorta gift for a friend and the fellow went along with the request. So Terry and the guys brought it home last night and we had Dave and Kate over for the "presentation." He was pretty excited to say the least!! I think we finally topped him off with "adventure!!" After all the presentation and stuff we went on to eat and then played some VB and then came in and visited, laughed, looked at the weather radar, and Hosie and Kate had a "who can kick their legs the longest" competition. Kate won!! We wrapped it up around 11:30 or so. I wished everyone could have a young couple in their lives like this. It is such a blessing! I know I am blessed by them of how they enjoy each child, from the oldest to the youngest. Dave plays legos with the littles and even gives vocabulary lessons to Jeremiah, who asks tons of questions, and then looks at land and tractors and talks of work and futures with the older ones.....he's multi tasked!! We love them so much, as if our own.
Now......if you knew them well, you would also know they like to name their animals on their little farm! So we need help! Can you think of a name for this "adventure chicken?" You can give as many ideas as you like and the name Dave and Kate pick will receive a "prize box!" It's a rooster...but the name can just be whatever. Lets keep eh name game going until Sat. 22nd, until 6pm and I will announce the winner!!! Come on, lets
think of some "adventure"names!!! Hint: the more unusual, the better they will like!!! No anonymous!

okay fun fun.......
Is it a girl? Well if so I thought of Tina(as in Tina Turner known for wild hair as the chicken has some pretty wild hair) oh if a boy.... Donald(as in Donald Trump known for wild hair)
I dont know just my guesses....:)
Mr. Brewster or Crowbar
Booster Rooster (or Booster for short)
Colonel Sanders
King Tut
I think it should be some Spanish
name like "Mavero"
III :-)
Give you three good reasons.
1. The rooster looks "Psycho."
2. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the picture was "The Birds."
3. The play on words is wicked funny.
How about Maventure? I also like the name Rooster Cogburn, but somebody already said that. :) I like Hitchcock too, but my brother beat me to that one. :) If i think of any more, i will post them.
Top Hat?
Phyllis Diller?
Gotcha : ) ?
O.K., here's another idea: Endurance! Any rooster that can endure that kind of a photo shoot is something else.
Ludwig 'Mav' Beethoven
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner (call it Winner for short when it's being good, Dinner, when it's being a bother)
you did say the more unusual the better. :o)
You could name it "Trouble", because it is adventures and whenever something or someone is adventures that thing/person gets into trouble! :-)
how about Mopsy the Mav?
1."The Ghost of Dinners Past", nicknamed "Whiteout" for short; 2.Don King, that's who I think he looks like
Girl - Betsy
Boy - Mart
thats what my old chickens were called! I had one boy and two girls, Christy, Mart ad Betsy.
God bles
X hannah X
Thank you all for being such great godly friends for David and Kate! We miss them so much and wish we were much closer to them. You are right about David and Kate, that you can't help but have a good time around them. They are a blessing from the Lord! I'm so glad you all entertain them as well! Blessings!
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