We have made it....one more day, Lord willing and the guys will be home!! Surprisingly we have been pretty busy and occupied. We were suppose to get our chicks early this morning but somehow they did not arrive at the Post Office. I decided to try to track them down, thinking if they were in OKC, I could pick them up myself. They were shipped out on Wed. and arriving on Sat. would make it a day longer than normal and I hated to loose some because of their need for warmth and food. I called OKC and it ended up being a glitch on their part, they did not put them on the truck. The guy was so nice and really went out of his way to find a way to get them to the Post office near us. Since I was shopping, I could not pick them up, so Dave and Kate were my mediators, which I am so thankful that they could do this!!! As of this evening, it looks like one so far is on its death bed:( They do give extras so it will not cut into the 150 that we ordered. Bethany should have some baby goats by the weekend as well!!
Dinner is over, kitchen cleaned, evening coffee enjoyed and now the children are watching a movie for Friday night fun! I got a new game and we are going to play it after the movie.
Big news...... Mercy announced all on her own Wed. that she needed to go to the "potty." I know its long overdue but I just have not been motivated for many reasons. Joel and Josiah were fully trained before their third birthday. Reasons being.....it is somewhat an emotional thing as I think this could be our last one in diapers and I have been buying diapers for 21 and 1/2 years!!! The ones before Mercy were of course Joel and Josiah and I remember all the sweet and trying memories of training them, Josiah actually got it first and Joel was a tad behind him. I remember Josiah recieved a holster and pistol for doing his big stuff!!! As I look at those "tiny" little undies of Mercy's, it brings tears, Joel had lost quite a bit of weight and he was wearing the size 2T like Mercy, he was so little. Its hard to think that this could very well be the last of an era that I have known near all our married life. I am glad in a way she seems to be training so easily, its just another thing I have to say good-by to, and I do not like saying good-byes. This probably sounds unusual but for a grieving heart, sometimes its strange things that can start the tears flowing. She has had some funny things to say about it all and that does make my heart happy!!! To see her sitting up their on the pot with her little legs crossed at the knee and making such a "loverly"smirk is quite the scene! I love that little girl!!
Well....I thought we might do another "Caption Contest." Since Mercy is kinda the topic here, I found this picture and thought it offered a lot of options. We'll let the contest run through until Tuesday, the 17th at noon central time and and I'll post the winner!! Again, you can give as many as you like but remember no anonymous and the family here will be the judges! The winner will recieve a "Spring Box" of things, bright and fun!! I look forward to your creativity, you did so well last time!! Have Fun!!!
Blessings to your weekend!! A praise report with the Lockwood family, the baby is here and mommy is doing well. Pray the Lord will give a quick recovery and He will continue to strengthen and nourish baby Samuel!!

Too tired to think of captions tonight, but rest assured I will get back to you. :-)
I just wanted to write and say that I love all the pics of Mercy but for some reason this one really really melts my heart. She is so beautiful.
Oh and I am so thankful that Samuel is here, and what a blessing he is to the Lockwoods, I know you and I both were praying hard for them, I am so glad God heard us! What a miracle he is.
"Hmmm...where was that potty?"
What an adorable picture. Your children are just so cute!!
I hope the time flies for you ~ you will be embracing your man (and young men) before you know it.
I wonder if Timmy is gonna bring me red or pink roses this time?
Sigh... Timmy's late again!
Okay, I think I'm done now!
Reflection of age two gone by.
When are the guys getting home, I'm ready to get to work?!
My tractor is broke again....
It sure is hard to be the littlest in the family, nobody thinks I'm big enough to drive that big John Deere tractor!!
I wonder where they put those keys to the tractor.....
Deerey me, I sure do miss the B's.....
I'd give up on farmin' if it wasn't for Jesus and my John Deere boots...
Mr. B
wonder how old you have to be to git your license to drive those BIG tractors.....
Mommy says I have to wait 2 years before the store will have a hat MY size .....*sigh, that seems SO long away!oh well, I will just wait here till those 2 years pass by!and maybe..... if a smile a bit..... they will pass FASTER!!
maybe..if I sit here.....and look REAL cute.....they'll let me have a ride on that John Deere.....
I gotta fink about it for a bit....
oops, that anonymous was me...
Now, where did my horse get off too?
"Nobody knows the troubles I've seen"
Man she is a cutie for sure.
what's left for me now that I can use the potty? I wonder if I can drive the big green thing next!
Erin said...
I wonder if Timmy is gonna bring me red or pink roses this time?
Since I am not playing I will vote for this caption. Got to be a contender.
This farm sure is lots of work but I sure to wuv it!!!
"Whew... Playing is hard work"
I think it should be the classic caption - "All dressed up and no where to go"
Ashley Edwards
Or - "Just 'cause my John Deere boots are pink don't mean I'm not a true farm girl."
- Ashley Edwards
"Don't you just love Springtime?"
" :sigh: You'd think with so many brothers and sister I could find SOMEBODY to play with me"
My caption is "Gee, Mom, do you have to tell the whole world about me going potty? How embarassing!"
I was trying to ponder the perplexities of life but I think my cowboy boots are too tight. Sure glad they're pink, though. Pink always inspires me to greater heights.
Ok here are a few we came up with at our house.
The first one is not one we personally made up but one that fits, since she looks like she is waiting :
* "But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience." Romans 8:25
* Hmmm...I wonder when I will be big enough to hop on that bull? Got my boots and hat on all ready to go!
* Farm wark is hard, let me just sit and rest my little "doggies"
*Ho-Hum a cowgirl's work is never done
Will try to think of more before tomorrow. Been sick with the stomach bug and had to end up at the hospital, I think my brain is tired and sick too.
"Is it my turn yet?"
Hmmmm...How many pictures ya think Anna is going to take of me today?
By the way, Anna, your pictures are always awesome!
just because I'm little.........just wait, I'll show them
"I wonder when someone is going to ask me to dance. I have been practicing in these boots all week long!"
"If N=6 and X is to the 3rd power, then the answer must be..."
"Boys, can't live with them, can't live without them."
"I've been thinking of putting an offer on that acreage across the road. I could put up a barn, raise some cattle, grow crops..."
boy howdy, here comes Timmy!
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