I wonder why the folks that live in the country have things that break in the winter????? Why can't well houses break in the summer??? We have had many situations where Terry and the boys were out in the bitter cold fixin' stuff, like the sewer, digging in the snow and scooping you know.....working on well houses and such so this weekend we were soo very grateful we could help Timmy's (Mercy's friend) mommy and daddy with putting in a pump for their well. The guys got home around 1:00 am Sunday morning, that was good as to what we thought it would take. We have had so many kind people come to our rescue over the years so we were thankful to be able to return to someone else. David and Katelyn had us over again on Sunday evening, this time we were all able to go and enjoy the good food, fellowship and the game we played. They are so kind to have a family of 14 over twice in just a few days span. When we got there the house was so orderly but by the time we left, it looked a little different.....thanks David and Kate for your hospitality. Now starting out today, Monday, we have had a few bumps in the road, we are having to get one of the van windows fixed, hopefully tomorrow as it shattered out, and then Terry fell off a ladder on the job and hit right on his tail bone, so we do not know if its bruised or cracked or what but he is in a lot of pain. He said standing is ok, but bending over and sitting is rough. They are away for tonight so I pray he can get some relief as he rest tonight and by taking something for the pain. Tomorrow will be getting ready for our Thanksgiving trip, Lord willing, I hope all is ok for Terry for that. Packing for 14 people is not easy. I try to take the bare minimals but its still a lot..... 14 x two pairs of socks= 28 pairs, 9 guys x 2 jeans= 18 jeans, 5 girls x 2 skirts apiece=10 skirts, 14 people x two shirts apiece =28 shirts/tops, 14 nighties, and then all the snacks, things to entertain while traveling, instruments......yes we do rent a trailer!!!!!! There is just no way to travel light on this. Also going to fix sandwiches to help with the expense, because we can hardly get in and out of a restaurant for under $50.
I read about Jacob wrestling for a blessing this morning and I want to do the same, not bargaining, not demanding, but acknowledging the source of where the blessings come from and hanging on to that Source. We all desire God's blessings on our families, our children and future generations, may He ever give them according to His will. We are blessed even if we just have food and raiment, so I would say that we are blessed beyond measure and more than we deserve.....that goes along with Thanksgiving and telling the Lord thank you for all the bountiful things He has done for us! We are a blessed people but are we a thankful people?????
Have not had too many pictures going lately, the outside is dormant and dreary, so Anna has not been going camera crazy. I did go back and get the "thing" that sings Joel's song, "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas"......Josiah, Hosanna and Jeremiah lit up and are bouncing around to the little jingle. Its a sweet memory of Joel and I got it to help them to remember Joel and his silly little animated ways.......I can see him now swaying in our living room and acting silly......
Please pray for the Lockwood family, Jaynee is 17 weeks along with their 12 blessing and she had heavy bleeding this morning, have not heard an update yet. They are missionaries in Mexico.
Sometimes I wonder if I should post random things, I want to be a blessing and help to others and use this place/blog for God's glory. I so enjoy sharing scriptures and what the Lord is doing in my heart so I pray that even in the mundane things people can be encouraged and we can fellowship over God's faithfulness in even the daily things we go through whether it be a recipe or prayer for others or life at the Morris house. You all are really like dear friends.....I just wish we could meet at a big place and visit!!!
Yes! you should post random things. I check your blog often, and am so encouraged by what you write.
Ouch! about Terry. I fell on my tailbone and boy oh boy it hurts. He'll be in my prayers.
Jaynee did post and baby is fine.
Hello Friend!
Yes, what a blessing it would be to get our families together. Fun Fun!!
Oh my goodness! We were prego at the same time except for one of my pregnancies (#7 for me) but you had twins so we will let that one slide. :)
There are some blogs that I visit that I can not open the comment window so I just right click comment and then click open. Try that for my blog. Also, here is my email: ashley@bigcanyon.org
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Yes, you should post random things. You and your family are such an encouragement and inspiration to me. Different subjects speak to different people, at different times. You will never know the Lord is using your writing to His glory until eternity. So, keep the random posts coming!
Your packing details are interesting! You know, you could cut it back if ya'll wore flip-flops, then you wouldn't have to pack 28 pairs of socks!!! :P
It is a delight and an adventure to have ya'll over and we are very thankful for the opportunity!!!!! Your family is so full of life and joy and hilarity! Thanks for helping with the dishes, bringing the game, and for bringing over the ingredients we didn't have!!! We absolutely love getting to spend time with you all and you're welcome at our place anytime... just call first! ;)
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