Something....that is what it felt like this morning as I stepped out on the front porch, it was brisk and crispy feeling, like in this moment I had been there before. It felt like a moment in time, a morning with Joel getting up and going outside. I could picture it....little boots on little feet, a sweat jacket and shorts. Our emotions are so tied to places, smells and feelings, they connect us to people. Something about this morning connected me to Joel and remembering a moment some time ago that we had together brings tears and joy at the same time. Tears...that he is not here of course and joy...that I even had him to have the memories. I read some scriptures that settled my "feelings." ....for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping. Ps.6:8 He knows the sharpness of pain that came even this morning. Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judgements are a great deep: O Lord thou preservest man and beast. Ps. 36:5-6. I think the Lord gives us these pictures of his creation to enable us to understand a little bit of the vastness of his supplies for any situation that we will ever be in. People have studies the clouds, the heavens, mountains, archeology, the oceans, they have found out great things but they do not know it all nor will they ever, the greatness of God is unsearchable! His mercy is in the heavens, it is limitless, his faithfulness is farther than I can see and is boundless, his righteousness, is so magnificently powerful, his judgments (plans) are so infinite we can not find them out. I just picture myself sitting down and curled up and just wanting to be encompassed by Him!! It is a safe and secure place to be. I can say that I trust him more that I ever have. I trust that he had the best plan with Joel and with the future.
We are about ready for the wiener roast, the people here got it all done and ready! Its perfect weather!!
The rodeo was fun, but Andrew, Micah and Jeremiah were not able to stay on. Micah had a really rough steer. Andrew had some really good bucks but lost his balance and flopped around on his belly on top of the steer before hitting the dirt, Jeremiah looked like he was going to have a great ride, he was a little shy of the buzzer. A I sat there, I looked down at the place we sat and had a blanket laid out for Joel and Josiah..... he was there at one time......
Have a blessed Lord's day tomorrow!
1 comment:
Your title Reminds me of psalm 23 the vastness of our table before us that God has set as a feast..... What a Mighty, Faithful God We Serve.
Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
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