added**** picture of sweet Mercy and her injury******
And the King shall answer and say unto them, verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matt.25:40 (least meaning, very little, small, smallest)
We did something fun with calculating some numbers for over the years and they are likely on the slim side..... I have used approx. 37,960 diapers ( 2years worth per child, say about 4 a day x 13 children) I have been pregnant 8 1/4 years of the 22 years (remember two sets of twins or it would be more if single births) Meals fixed around 16,060, loads of laundry, 24,090 ( 3 loads a day) Now, consider all the things you can not count....hugs, kisses, cleaning a messy face, wiping tears, fixing a hurt, giving reproof, singing a song, wiping a fevered brow, tending a sick one, reading a book, playing together, all the school work.........and the list could go on indefinitely, but the deeds of love do not go unseen! Sometimes we do grow weary with our daily tasks, the days are long, the calling a high and noble one yet Jesus says as we serve and love these little ones we are doing it it unto Him. He notices each day what our day holds. I see things a lot different now, since Joel is not here with his family, sometimes I use to get more impatient with a little question, or I did not have time to stop what I was doing, my attitude was more sharp. But that tends to be the way we learn, when something is gone, we realize in a greater way what a privilege, a joy all the behind the scenes things we do everyday, how important they are to the Lord and it is as we are doing it unto Him! The numbers are fun to look at, but even if it were but one number, Jesus sees our deeds of love to all these precious gifts and are known and remembered by him! I am so thankful that He takes thought to mommys. Mommys that are still learning and growing in his grace. (((((Hugs)))))) to each mommy out there, keep it up and find strength today, do not grow weary in well doing!!
This time it was Terry and I that had the"bug." I surely pray no one else gets it!! Another head injury precious Mercy.....she was sitting on my bed, we were cleaning out her little dresses, she hopped down and stepped in the hallway and A SCREAM..... she walks back into my room. blood coming from the left of her forehead, I scream, Hosanna screams and runs, I tell Bethany to quickly put pressure on it, I can not look yet. Josiah and her were right at the sheet closet door and they must have hit head on and she fell against the door or something, we do not know exactly except she says with hand motions "I hit the doora." We finally were able to check it out and as all the other head injuries, it was a gash. I have absolutely lost count now! But it is on her sweet smooth, little, petite head. We glued it up and butterflied it, so its together anyway, and we'll just have to vitamin E it up when we get the tape off!! So sad!!!
Josiah is geared up for his big day on Saturday, say a little prayer that we'll have a little window of no rain as we were going to have it outside!!
The guys are here today, paper work for Terry and composing for Caleb and Daniel and YES schoolwork for the rest. They say its so hard to do school when Dad's here!! As we continue to be self employed, it is exciting that the Lord continues to bring work! It is a praise to Him for his faithfulness to our family!!
Looking ahead, next week is the State Fair in OKC and Bethany will be there Tuesday thru Sat. A very busy week!! She will be showing her Nubian goats that were shipped back in the spring and then 8 Boer goats on Sat. Oh, and we got all the white clothes together for the Dairy show. I actually found white Wranglers!! And thanks to Hannah B. for making the skirt for Bethany.
Once again, may the Lord give a special grace to all you wonderful mothers....though a lot is unseen, it is not unnoticed!!
boy, I have 2 children and is seems like I used over 37,000 diapers. What a relief that I didn't. ;o)
My husband and I feel very blessed that I am able to stay home with our girls. Before we had children, and we both worked, we thought, no way can we afford for me to stay home. But, of course, God is providing and providing much more than when we both worked outside the home. He is great and worthy to be praised. I rejoice with you for the great "job" God has given us in rearing His children.
Thank you so much for your words today. Mothers need to be reminded of the glory in their tasks with their children. Sometimes I wonder where I get the patience to deal with my two that are so close in age, learning to grow in the world. The Lord blesses us with the tools we need to nurture our children.
Ashley Edwards
What JOY, Gift, Helper, Giving, selfless, Peaceful , Completing..... MY little one IS!!!!!
She will not be little much longer!!!!!
We will CONTINUE praise to "I AM" with our lips in song and our feet with dancing for eternity.
Jeremiah 31:13
Jeremiah 31:4
Ecclesiastes 3:4
Job 21:11
Song of Solomon 6:13
1 Samuel 18:7
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