Saturday, January 24, 2009
Bloopers !!!
First, I want to say thank you for all the prayers, My heart with Joel's Heaven Day was really very peaceful and you were apart of that! Thank you for the phone calls, cards and comments and thoughts of our family. Now.......I want to tell you about all that took place, the bloopers of the day and how I did not pass the test, as it all surrounded "my circumstances." I need to back up a bit first...... since we have sooooo many birthdays, my mind goes from one to the next in thinking about the party, and if you do not already know by now, I "love" to do parties. Last fall I was thinking about Mercy's 3rd BD and thought I would like to do Princess party for her, but the more I thought of it, I really did not know if she would get in to all the "glitz and glitter" of a Princess Party, so I thought I would do one for Hosanna and I thought the theme would compliment Joel's Heaven Day as we thought about royality, the King of Kings and how Joel was there in the midst. So I had all these ideas and they just kept growing. The closer it got the more excited I became and looking so forward to the plans I had thought of, all the fancy things, dresses for the girls, soft satin fabric, glitz and glitter and sparkles of it all. Hosanna was very thrilled too with the thought of it. All the preparations were going well, I found so many things for a good price, Hosanna's dress was like $10, it was purple velvet at the top and netting and satin at the bottom and the blouse was 50 cents, Mercy's was on sale, and many of the decorations were on sale, the fabric was on sale I used for the curtains and tablecloth, so even though it was the most invested party and I just wanted it to be special too as we celebrated Joel's life. On Thursday, we did some pre-party stuff and it was coming together. Well on Friday morning Mercy woke up sick, fever and just not feeling well. I was soooo sad. I wanted this day to be a happy party day and Mercy was feeling terrible and not able to be really in to it. I proceeded to get things ready for the party and us girls juggled holding Mercy as thats all that would keep her content. It wa very difficult getting everything ready. We had to decorate the cake, make the cupcakes and cookies , sew the curtains where they would slide on a rod to hang, and do all the table stuff, blow balloons, cut the netting for the chairs and more. I was really having a bad attitude towards the Lord and just praying and pleading thatHe would allow Mercy to get better and get in to the day. I was really thinking that the Lord owed it to me to have "good day." I had pre- supposed all these plans and ideas and pictured it in my mind of howI could see two little girls having a "blissful moment," (I'll use that word instead of magical) So Mercy being sick was just the beginning of "my plans" going downhill. Through out the day things were just not going well. She finally laid down for about 40 minutes and I thought I would dash around and get things done, like go ahead and grill the burgers. So I tell Micah to start the grill and I go to get the meat which was suppose to be in the refrig. I look and look and can not find it.....its in the freezer, hard as a brick!!!! I told a person to put it in, but I guess he did not understand I wanted it in the refrig!!!!! So the grill is going burning up the charcoal that does not have burgers on it!!!! I call Terry and he could get some more meat (not frozen) but that of course would detain them a bit. The guys get home and we are all getting ready, I had talked to Josiah the last two days about getting dressed up for the party and he was fine with it UNTIL the party, he did not want to cooperate, so he was crying as we were trying to get ready. I sought to talk to him really nice and told him how special it would be for his mommy, but it was not working! He finally put a shirt on and I was able to brush his hair, but again what I really wanted did not take place with his outfit! I was so suprised that Mercy wanted to put her dress on and sparkly shoes but she did cooperate which later I thought, "thank you that she even did that and could get pictures." It was picture time and we did get alot of good pictures. I was so sad I did not have the video camera charged up, it went only a short time. The phone was ringing, Elijah had gotten 3 dump trucks loads of dirt and the man brought the last load right in the opening present time, and then the post man came a little later honking his horn outside and the dogs were going crazy.(who knows why he came like at 6 pm in the evening???) Ok, now to top it off, I had to go out and cook the burgers. I had them on a big cookie sheet, sat them on the edge of the grill and the WHOLE cookie sheet fell to the ground!!!! All I could do was try to pick them up and hopefully the heat would sterlize them and also battle with the dog that was trying to eat them up!! Finally........they were done and we were able to eat the Birthday meal!! As I stood there cooking the burgers, I thought all thats happened really was not earth shaking, it was just "my plans" did not work. First, I do not think I even prayed for the preparations of all the party, and like I said I thought I deserved a "perfect day." I was sad at myself that I messed up in my attitude towards the Lord. I had let circumstances control my day. It seems this is a constant hurdle, maybe one that can not be attained, but I feel like I should be "getting it." Anyway, the reason I share all this is to let you know that we should always "acknowlege the Lord in all our ways, even in parties." I am telling you this to say also, even the Morris family still needs grace, and also that His mercy is so endless, that He forgives when we mess up. Now.......that it is behind me, I can get a giggle out of it and its just another one to mark down for a "Morris Adventure." Bloopers......they are just apart of life!!!!

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Oh Cindy,
It's nice to hear you're "human" and have set backs of even the best laid plans.. though I'm sorry you had some trouble... I can totally relate...after doing 20 years of birthday parties, although most not as elaborate as yours. I understand the frustration - after putting forth all the effort, etc! I did notice yesterday in the pics Mercy didn't look too "chipper", now I know why! But really it looked SO lovely. Did you do games, too? Do you invite extra children? Looked like your boys had some laughs with the pink fru-fru's! lol
Oh Cindy, what a day you had! Thank you for sharing as you always have a way of blessing/convicting/instructing me!
The Lord has been showing me a lot this year about my expectations. How they seems to get a hold on me, bog me down, and simply put my focus on what I think I deserve rather than on my Savior. I have sooo far to go, and I'm so thankful that His mercies are new every morning.
I'm glad that you can look back at the day with such a godly perspective and even see the humor in it all. It would most likely take me much longer to do that myself if I had been in your shoes. You are a tremendous example to me as you continually seek to follow Jesus. I love you and thank the Lord for your dear friendship.
Tell the rest of the fam hi from the Lockwoods and someday...someday we just have to meet!!
love and prayers,
Gotta love the "bloopers" of life. Thanks for sharing yours.
I am missing you, my friend. We have been quite busy around here and it is all I can do to just update our blog (with past drafts or real quickies). It was fun to read all of your latest posts and get caught up on the goings on with your family. What a splendid party!
ps thanks for your email!! the weekend is going great. the guys are loving it. the yurt is awesome.
I still have a card sitting here on my desk for you, with kids sick this week I still didn't get it signed or mailed. So keep an eye out in the next few days.
Your day sounds much like my big days I plan, thnking they will be perfect but just about everything goes wrong. But in the end even with out all that perfection we seek we find that the day was perfect because we spent it with our families.
Its good to hear about your little "imprefections" makes me not feel so bad when I have bad days. :-) Plus it made me smile hearing about the hamburgers, I know thats not really funny but the way you told it was cute. I mean could anything else go wrong? I bet they were some nice burgers in the end though with all you went through to cook them!
Craziness! It's such a blessing when the Lord helps us look at things with a bit more of an eternal mindset! Sometimes I'm amazed at how "worked up" I can get inside at the silliest things that won't even affect me a few hours later! Thanks for sharing your "adventures" :) so that we can learn from them!
Although the bloopers sound like an adventure, the party looks like more of one! You guys went all out!!! And it looks like Hosanna certainly enjoyed herself, along with everyone else too! :) Your family is always exciting and we are blessed indeed to have you for neighbors!!!!!
Happy Adventures today! :D
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