Friday, October 7, 2011


How can Friday's come around soooooo fast???  Well, I am glad its Friday because I L.O.V.E instafriday!!!! So here is the week in iphone pictures!!!

life rearranged

                  went to an awesome wedding!!!

                                                                                                                       ready for the wedding!!!                           

                our barn!!

       no matching sox, but cute anyway!!!                                    

a few extra passengers!!


            frog, prince and a princess !                                                              got my hair highlighted this week


                                           this was at the guys job site, 1800' s            

lots of old buildings in our town



friends, baking cookies and movies!!                                                                                                    
.......and this 66 foot soda bottle is at Pop's Soda/gas station bout 30 min from our house on historic route 66!!                                             

and we bought this DVD, they all loved it!

Hope you all have a great weekend and thank you for stopping by!!!



amy said...

I am loving doing instafriday too. It is a great way to look back over the week isn't it??
And yeah for new highlights! I have some new ones this week too. ;)

Kaleigh said...

BEST reason to do Instagram: you find people from OK! Hello fellow Okie!!!! :)

The Mershawn's said...

Thanks so much for your sweet comment! That was a nice surprise. And, thanks for the encouragement...I try to remind myself of that when it's really hard. Your family is beautiful...have a great weekend!

Heidi Jo the Artist said...

Love the mismatched socks best!!

Just read your bio and I'm so sorry for the loss of your son.

Brooke said...

Love that barn shot!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots - I really love the pink sparkly shoes!

Anonymous said...

Aww Lion King, what a great movie! I love the sparkly shoes!! Those wil never go out of style:) Thanks for popping by my blog, too!

Homeschool Month by Month said...

Thanks for commenting. Children are such a blessing. I do love the mismatched socks.

Angi said...

i love the 3rd photo oh, i love them all.

thanks for the visit!

Teena said...

love the pics! always love how you share. Been thinking about you.


Becca at One Girl said...

I like the hair highlighting - looks great and so fun for fall! I also bought the Lion King... I can admit I love Disney and once the go in the vault they are in the vault for years - you must buy them when you can!

Thanks for stopping by my blog - I love visitors :)

Katie @ Team Skelley said...

Awesome pictures, as always. Especially love the glitter shoes, Alexa would be all about them! Have a wonderful weekend!

Kyla Armstrong said...

I love reading your comment on my blog! It looks like a fabulous week and I am so jealous of your barn and the pink sparkly shoes :)

AKat said...

Thank you for stopping by on Friday! What a darling family you have! I'm going to have to email you more details, but my husband and I lived in Edmond before moving. I love and miss Oklahoma! Have a blessed weekend with that precious family.

Bart, Erin, Hunter, Jorden and a couple of crazy dogs said...

Love POPS - but I didn't know the soda bottle lit up like that. I guess it is a good excuse to go visit our friends again to go see that at night :)

Anonymous said...

l.o.v.e. the mis-matching socks! My oldest does that all the time. I need to embrace the cuteness more!