I have not given up on "writing," but to be honest I felt like I have had nothing to say.......this season is causing me to be a bit low, but I am seeking daily for meat in the scriptures even though at times it seems my tears are my meat. But I think my tears do serve as a source of strength for when they fall, it is really my heart crying out to God and therefore my heart is made stronger as I lean upon him. How can one forget a child, the season of our families greatest journey through fire........never! Someone mentioned that I always seem to weave Joel in our daily lives, as long as this mommy has breath, he will be spoken of, remembered. Thats one of the reasons I continue to write, not only about our family now, but the walking through the :valley of death." How could one say you have reached the end and who would be so thoughtless to think that its time to "heal" and move on? Parents that have endured the death of their child do move on but never the same! Ok, enough of my sorrow preachin' to those that have not experienced and may you never!
As always busy stuff going on around here! The guys are now building a cabin for a fellow out of the Build Block. Caleb and Daniel are still seeking land. I think they have looked at everything available in Logan County!!!!! Praying and saving and waiting for the best the Lord has and within their price range. A big land auction coming up they hope to go to and the land might be going for under $1000 an acre because it was a bankruptcy and alot of land has to go, we are praying the Lord would give favor if its His will for them for this particular land. Also the music CD is coming along. They are working hard at getting it ready to sell by Dec. 5th. On that evening they will be playing at a "Journey Through Bethlehem," here in Guthrie and at the end of the journey, they will be playing in a room where they serve refreshments and they hope to have the CD's available, so they got to hurry! They are making contacts and getting the CD cover/case underway. I hope to get them to allow me to put a sample on here or either on their Shekinah Springs Studio site so you can get a taste of whats ahead!!! I must say, and why wouldn't I, being their mom, the music is incredible!! Our last goat show this weekend. A Boer show. So you see, only time to take a big breath before the next thing comes.
Oh, I found a very rustic table for the girls room. Getting a little bit at a time. Remember how I was on my way to get it but the van cratered, well, the van got fixed but not without great grief on the billfold and alas I have a table. The picture at the top is for Mrs. B, my friend. Go OSU!!!!
And lastly, the weekend of family being here went well, the party for the grandmother and all. Bethany posted some pictures of it.
Better go and figure out what for dinner! We got the goat meat back, so its gonna be something goat!!

Never tasted goat, although I have been told that some of the "lamb" we get in SA is actually goat! Interesting! As a mother myself, I can only imagine how important it is to keep Joel's memory alive, especially for your young ones. He IS part of your lives after all, even though he isn't with you in the physical form. Thank you for your inspiration and your example.
How many OSU Cowgirls really wear 'yellow boots"?? Mercy is too cute. Great pictures!
We eat a lot of deer meat but I haven't tried goat.
Yes, Joel IS w/ you each and every day,I am so thankful you continue to share him with all of us.
Praying MORE for you as this *time* of year is more difficult.
I love all the pics.
I think of all of you so often.
Wrong jersey....sorry, but we can't be friends anymore. :) See ya at the OU-OSU game, then we'll see what jersey you wear! :)
The Cole family
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