We had a very busy day yesterday, a good day, a profitable day!! The morning started off with a special visit from a special person, Dara and her little boy, Evan who is one!! Dara was Joel's nurse in PICU and if you remember the nurse on the DVD that shared. Dara holds a special place in my heart and this journey, she was one of about 4 that saw Joel as a little boy, heart beating, blood flowing, she saw him as alive when all the others discounted he was worth "treating" anymore. She stepped in and even showed Terry how to take care of Joel when the Dr.'s did not make rounds to his room anymore! She was a light in our darkness. She spoke tenderly to Joel when another one said with words louder than a normal speaking voice shouted out to me, "he's dead! he's dead! he's dead! As I thought about that moment in the hallway as this person, this Dr. said this to me, the Lord reminded me of the words they shouted at Him, "crucify him, crucify him!!!" I was comforted in a sort of way to know that in every way, in what might be the darkest and lowest moment in this trial, He has gone before me and he has experienced the depth and even more so. This last week it seems heaven has been silent, but as I thought how the the Holy Spirit speaks, foremost through the Word but also he speaks his words to my heart from scriptures I have read in the past, so that is why it is so critical for all of us to be in the Word reading and being washed with sciptures so the Holy Spirit can speak truth into our hearts. Our visit with Dara was fun, we sat by the sandbox much of the time, enjoying, talking and watching the little ones play, then we had a little tea party for lunch! I made some chicken salad sandwiches, we had some fruit and cheese, Anna made these pastry type cups and filled them with strawberries and fresh whipped creme and we had some mango iced tea. Hosanna said that was the best lunch we've ever had?!?! A sweet time !!
I can hardley spend time in prayer where tears are not shed. Tears of sorrow, tears for enabling grace that continues to fall as I get up each day, tears of gratefulness for his saving mercy and not by my works of righteousness, and tears that plead his power to take this trial and turn it into "something beautiful." Once again, I did not read this scripture this morning but as I was on my knees, the Lord brought to my mind the story of Jesus turning the water into wine. Just the simple thought of how He can turn something into something else. You see I did hear from Him this morning, He did speak and it was from scriptures I had read in the past. He gave me words of hope that he did turn, that he can turn something into something else!! So I started praying he will turn my sorrow into a song, turn my depths into heights, turn my tears into trust, turn my missing Joel into longings for Jesus, turn this trial into a testamony, turn this into something else for your glory!!!
Yesterday was also our first trial run for music day with the students coming to our house. It went very well, I was able to visit and to get dinner going, it was smooth and for that I am grateful. Bethany had 4 violin students come and Anna had 1 piano student for that day. I am sure Bethany and Anna would say they too are grateful for the invested time that they put in to lessons themselves so that they can have the opportunity to do this now at home.
The guys are finally off to the big commercial job that was delayed last week and after this one the Lord has another commercial one waiting too!! If you think about it pray for their safety and ours here at home too as we operate the home front!!
I haven't given the scoop on the goat show and rodeo. Bethany did well. She pulled in several thirds and a couple of fourths. I think anytime you can at least make the top 5, your in the game! At least we have competing goats and the judge sees that. We just need to keep breeding up. As for Andrew and his ride, he came out of the chute looking good and had some nice bucks but he got off set and on one buck he went sailing through the air and came down with a thud right on his bottom and not catching himself at all. I knew that one hurt and after he limped off and the crew did not come on around where we were sitting for a bit, I called over and Terry said he was laying down,catching his breath and it did hurt!! He's good to go now but for that night and some the next day he was having some pain from the jolt! It did not shake him too bad, he said he would go for it again!! I do not like "owies," and hey why don't we stick with "bike riding, goat showing....or something else:)
Agenda for today.....we need to do school work, like serious!! Do our Wednesday cleaning, cut more spinach, of course getting laundry done and figuring out dinner will be " to get done," getting my grocery list and menu together for the end of the week shopping, and whatever else we can figure out around here.
Thank you for keeping up with us.....it really is a blessing!!!

Thank you all again for a wonderful day. You went out of your way to make it very special for us. We are continually blessed by your friendship. It's neat how the Lord takes care of us and gives us small joys in our journeys. Joel was a precious boy. I know you enjoyed every day you spent with him. I'm only sorry there couldn't be more. Cindy, you are a shining example of a woman of God. You are transparent with your hurts and fears as well as victories and joys. I admire you more than words can say.
I am so glad Dara got to come for a visit. I remember her from the DVD because she looked familar, I think Emma had her as a nurse a few times, I wish I could remember for sure, our PICU days were such a blur, in one week out the next and back again for months.
What a blessing it must have been to have her for a visit and her son it just a cutie!
If you get a chance can you check out my lastest post? I really think this little girl I am asking for prayers for needs a miracle, and I hope you will be able to possible offer some words of wisdom and comfort to her parents, if you see fit to do so.
We have do do our school work today too, Ella is seriously behind! We have been having too much fun playing outside
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