Those are mighty fine looking boots there for sure, partners'!!! Josiah said he was ONLY going to wear his when it was like "spring" outside, meaning not in the water and mud!! Hosanna said she too was going to wear her water boots for the wet stuff and have these for dry weather!!That was a little side adventure yesterday after Andrew's appointment, which all was well, thank the Lord. His blood oxygen level was at 97. This is the second pair for Josiah since that outing with Joel on Dec.14,06 to get them both a a pair. Joel's are sitting like brand new on the hearth in the living room, wearing them just a few times. He wore them to the hospital on the dreaded day of the evening of the seizure Jan 3, 07, we brought the boots home empty. Everyday there is reminders....
Mercy is taking a nap and I am in the house ALONE, its hard to believe!! The young ladies (Bethany, Anna, Danielle and Hosanna) of the home are delighting themselves in a fanciful "High Noon Tea" at a tea room in the Edmond area. That sounds all girlie doesn't it? This was a birthday treat from Danielle to Bethany. You'll have to check her blog out later this evening, I am sure she will have great pictures of the event!!! I like to hear from the Lord everyday, I do not like dry toast days....I just have to know that the promises hold true each day, whether its a day of hearing from the heights of heaven or like today....silence. I do believe we ( I am anyway) are a people prone to murmur and complain even if we have his presence or not. Moses certainly had one on one with the Lord, Jesus himself was walking and talking with his disciples and folks, yet even in the midst of his presence, his demonstrations of power, signs and wonders there remained hearts that grumbled with discontent. What I am saying is even if the Lord was to condescend in a way to my grieving heart, I am no different than all these others, I would be wanting more signs, more evidences. Sometimes I wonder if the Lord was desiring the signs to give glory of who he was but people only wanted more signs instead of HIM!! He just wants us, our hearts, he wants me to love him more than any other, more than Joel. To be honest, if I were to see Joel at the gates of heaven, I would run to him first, maybe thats what this is all about....teaching me to want to run to Him first. I guess I am a hard lump of clay!!! Here's my heart Lord, take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above....
Like I mentioned before, we have met so many people through Joel's Journey and through avenues with advertising for our farm endeavors and it has been a blessing. On occasion we have people call desiring to come out and tour our little farm, some seeking "how to," others wanting to purchase products, so this afternoon we are getting things in shape to give a tour to some folks that are interested in the products that we sell, soap, meat chickens, beef, goat milk, and then the goats themselves, Boer's and Nubian's. The Lord has brought us a long way and made much provision since we moved out here 141/2 years ago. We have caught ourselves getting a big laugh about how things were built in "the beginning." For instance, we needed a shelter for a horse, so Terry made one out of some poles and put cedars on the top, it was great until they dried out and crumbled all over you! Then there are numerous stories of "pens and gates." They would swing open a few times and then get the good ole baling wire out and wire em' up! Hey, you just work with what you have!!! Vast improvements made and we give thanks to the Lord for the provisions through Terry's work and now the guys all working together, that we have been able to make the farm more presentable to others. All that said, I had better wrap this up and get to work!!!!
O, I forgot to say the van is all done and has new "guts" (engine) good to get it back, we could have owned that little rent car after 3 weeks :)
Those are some good lookin boots! And I'm very happy to hear that your van is fixed! He knows our needs!
Desiring my Savior more than any other is the lesson that impacted my heart last night and this morning. "Give me your heart, my son, And let your eyes delight in My ways!"
"Maybe that's what this is all about... teaching me to want to run to Him first." Oh how He is teaching me this! Cling to Him moment to moment, follow His leading for every moment, rely upon my Savior and Redeemer. Seek HIM first, delight in HIM! He's convicted me that I need to put my hope in HIM, not in what He can do, but in HIM!
The analogy of the potter has been foremost in my mind of late. I long to be soft to His touch, yielded to His sanctifying work. And how can I be soft? Clay is softened by water being worked in, "that He might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of water by the Word."
O to grace how great a debtor, daily I'm constrained to be! Let that grace now like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee.
:) Prayin for ya! (:
I prayed for you today to be filled with peace. I just wanted you to know that.
Love the new boots. Derek has been wanting some of the green John Deere ones, but I have to take him to try some on, he has huge feet!
You know you are all always in my prayers, and I prayed this morning that God will fill you with peace and strength and grant you one of those "good days" that sometimes feel so few and far between.
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