I read a scripture that gave me insight as to what I want to happen at the end of my life......Joshua 23:14, And, behold, this day I am going the way of the earth: and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof. At the end of my life, by his grace, I will not have a finger to raise to the Lord because of his infinite wisdom, his providential plans, his dealings pertaining to our trial with Joel and literally my whole life, but I am specifically thinking with Joel. It will be as the scripture says, all that the Lord has in mind that will be harvested from this trial is for good, it will all come to pass, and not one idea, plan or thought will fail from the Lord's workings, and I will not have any reason to lift my finger to him and question his dealings and ask, "what doest thou in the armies of heaven and among the inhabitants of man?" I keep trudging forward, some days are much easier and then there are just "those" days too that befall my heart with great longings and pains that run so deep. Especially the mornings and when I lay my head on my pillow, thoughts of Joel are in my mind, some I can have a quiet laugh about and then there are the ones that are so dark, pertaining to his cancer, the pain, all that he endured, and especially the 2nd time at the hospital when he was in the coma......my little boy forever! I think about heaven so much, sometimes I feel like it I am there more in my mind than here. It literally feels so close, its hard to envision and yet what I can come up with the scriptures tell that the eye and the hear hath not seen or heard or even entered into the heart of man which God hath prepared for them that love him!! (2 Cor.2:9) Still seeking to trust him with the plan....I certainly struggle in thoughts and emotions but I just have to keep laying it before him and allow him to help carry the cross that has been given to us!! I guess I want to carry it standing straight and feeling honored instead of hunching over and sometimes asking "why me?" Through him I can......
Well.... the little adventure on Saturday went well, but we did not get home until about 1:20 am. Now today Monday, I feel like I am still recovering! I walked into the living room this morning and it looked like a tornado went through, a total mess, but the great thing about it, the children now have an understanding what makes their mom have a great Monday....a clean and orderly home, so they all worked together and had er' in good shape very soon! Next on the agenda after lunch....a Rodeo of their own making, Andrew and Micah got it going and had bucking chutes and the whole deal for Hosanna, Josiah and Jeremiah to play "ride em goats." They gave a pretty good ride, I think they want more action so now the thoughts are toward those little calves in the pasture:) I am glad they are so creative and they do not sit around (too much) and say "I don't have nothin' to do." Micah and Andrew are getting the mower going, it looks pretty wild and woolly around here. Anna is helping me prepare a meal for a family that we will take it over to in a little bit and then we have to get our dinner in the making! So as you see we are just hanging out here and doing all the Monday stuff. Oh and it is so very hot here now, I feel for the guys working out in the heat. They try to take in alot of fluids, wear hats and sunscreen. Tomorrow they are pouring a concrete slab for a Build Block house that they already went up with the walls.Right now some are swimming in the pond, yikes.... I would not do that, I know there are snakes in there!! And speaking of snakes, Bethany always takes her little "Duffy"(her inside foo foo dog, a maltese) out in the front yard in the evenings and for some reason she happened to look down and there was a copper head on the front porch, Micah shot it with the gun, I am so thankful that the Lord protected her bare ankles!!
I know we are crazy.......but we got another pupppy, BUT this one is suppose to do work!!! Its an Australian Shepherd, a herding dog or so Bethany is going to train it!! He is 11 weeks old, he's really cute, blue glassy eyes, Bethany will probably post soon about him on her blog so keep checking hers. We named him Rancho!!
Thanks for checking on us, I do not know who all is reading but I do have a tracker to tell me how many viewers, it has ranged from a little over 4oo to averaging around 250 a day) and I am very encouraged that Joel's story is still going forth and his little life is not forgotten, I hope to we can be a blessing to you all as you have been to us!!
I am so blessed everyday to read about you and your family. I almost feel like I know you all. Have a great day and keep your eyes set upon HIM!
Reading from Kansas
Your family has became part of my daily routine. You and your walk with the Lord is such a blessing to me. You inspire me to keep going and put all my trust in the Lord.
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