Sunday, December 2, 2012

Advent/day 2

The Advent idea is a big hit at this house!! Ha! Soooo today day 2!!! With eager hands the red envelope was opened!!! COFFEE SHAKES!!! ....and no we are not doing coffee things everynight!!! haha!! Course we LOVE coffee so nothing would be wrong with it if we did!!! But the fun thing about coffee shakes tonight is, we get to drink them out of dressed up jars! Don't the jars just look all warm and cheer-eeeeee! I love that word!! We have done coffee shakes forever! Lumps of ice cream and then pour cold coffee over, stirring and get the "just right" consistency and then just sit back and suck er' down!!!!!

Hope your slowing down, hence the motion photo of our tree, and celebrating the birth of Christ!! Terry is reading in the book of Luke each evening as well!

Have a great evening!!


Teena said...

I just love this. How cute! We are not coffee drinkers here but I bought some ice cream and candy to make milkshakes! I love the straws. Where did you find them!

Thanks for sharing.

LJR said...

Those Jar's are adorable I might steal that idea for Sunday when we put up our tree. I need to get some jars anyway. Of course ours will chocolate shakes, not one coffee drinker in our house, yes we are weird.