Monday, August 20, 2007

PEEP PEEP!!!!!!!!!

Just a quick update on the progression of the miscarriage. So far nothing has happened, so I saw my midwife today and she gave me some herbs to try. Our prayer is the Lord would use these means to cleanse my womb. I have to say that I feel like a rollercoaster of emotions to say the least. I am trying to stay focused but I am certainly struggling. I know many have endured greater trials than ours and the trying of their faith worked patience and patience had her perfect work and were more entire, wanting nothing like James talks about. I feel so weak in faith. Prayers for my body are a great need, but prayers for strength of spirit is even greater. Thank you for going before the throne on our behalf.

On a fun note, we just got a shippment of baby chickens...175 little peepers. 125 are broilers that we will Lord willing butcher around the second week of October. 50 are layers. They are in a brooder pen for about 3 weeks and then to the pasture in movable pens for the duration til their departure to the chopping block. I guess if anyone lives near enough and would like "REAL CHICKEN", you could e-mail us and put your order in. All the adventures on the farm are fun for the children, but alot of work. I commend them for their diligence in their work and chores!!!!!

I wish somehow I could meet all of you. I know we will someday and that will be a sweet fellowship. Words cannot express our gratefulness to you. Thank you from our hearts!!!

The DVD once again had some setbacks, the editors hard drive died and he had to order another one. He has got that in and the finishing touches are underway. I am so anxious to get this to you. Our prayer is that the Lord would be honored and Joel's little life would be a testimony of how precious life is. I can't wait to see all the dark providences unveiled in eternity. There will be no tears as we view the providences but only praise and glory to the Lord. May the Lord give me grace to rejoice and be thankful now for all his dealings with us. I think about him so much, sometimes I feel like I am frozen in memories and I find myself not very motivated to go on in all the daily "stuff" of motherhood and wifehood. O how I need him every hour, moment!!!!! We will keep you posted on the DVD. Soon I hope!!!!!!!

You are so special to our family!!!!!

The pictures of Joel and Josiah were taken in August last year


LJR said...

Thanks for the update, I have been worried about you. I am sorry your body is not handling things on its on so far, I will pray that the Lord will listen to our pleas and help you a long a little. I am so sorry for you loss.

Remember "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit."
Psalm 34:18

On a lighter note the baby chicks sound adorable, and I love the pictures you have shared

Lori (Emma's Mom)

Christine said...

Continuing to pray for you!Blessings!

Cindy said...

Oh, Cindy, my heart breaks for you. I am so sorry for the pain you are going through.

Cindy Cole

paige said...

This is a beautiful, beautiful blog. i went through something similar this February, using "expectant management" when i was told my baby had died ~ you can check out my archives if you want. i'm so sorry for your fresh sorrow & yet so blessed & encouraged by your testimony & love of God.
i went & saw the trailor for Joel's movie too , & it looks so good.
May God comfort you & lift you up & give you peace. May He give you the strength to press in to Him. May He give you eyes to see eternity & an even deeper understanding of His goodness.

alane said...

Saying special prayers for your family tonight! May God bless you during this time. I love all the pictures!