Wednesday, October 24, 2012

making memories.....

Even though I feel like a "maid" to the older children, I am still a mom to the younger ones, so I can't let moments slip away with them for memory making!! .....and they certainly appreciate the efforts of things like this. It warms my heart as Mercy bounces around and her eyes all lit up with anticipation of the "afternoon tea.". The "thank you mom," will ring in my ears for time to come after the little tea party!!!! There is just something about little kids that is whimsical and magical. They have no cares, worries or wants. It's an easy life.

Go make a memory.......


-stephanie- said...

Very sweet. My girls love these simple pleasures too.

Jessica said...


erinstwo said...

Love this! What a great reminder to appreciate every moment - thanks for sharing!