Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Dearly Beloved Son.....

*** Picture added*** Do you know what kind this is?.....its a Christmas Cactus and I have had it for we think about 10 years and it has never bloomed.....until this season.......I am enjoying the richness of God's goodness to me through His creation.....that there is life....that even in the unseen, things that lay dormant or hidden there are treasures....but they may or may not be given, but when they are, its beautiful.......

I could have told Joel I love you until the sun no longer shone or until the clouds were to melt away and it would not have been enough times for me, I could have given him a lot of things that a mommy would give to her son, I could have given affection and said many endearing words to him and called him "my dearly beloved son," like unto Paul giving affection to dear Timothy (II Tim. 1:2) But as I read this verse, To Timothy, my dearly beloved son: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord (v.2) I could not have given Joel grace, mercy and peace from God. I could have demonstrated and told him about it, and we did, but these three, I could not have given him. So as I thought about what Joel has already received, it brought great comfort in knowing what I could not give, the Lord has already imparted it to him. What is our life if we know not the grace, the power of God, the mercy, undeserved favor and peace, within our hearts, the forgiveness of sin. As parents to our dearly beloved children this should be our greatest prayer, our earnest plea to the Father that each one would be given the gift of faith from the Lord and so this morning I rejoice that Joel has already experienced this grace, mercy and peace from God!! May it be the prayer from our lips and may our cheeks sting with tears and our knees be bent until it be so. Please know that I am so very grateful to you for the prayers you have offered up on my, our behalf, it brings my heart joy to know that you are mindful of my tears and ache, I do "feel" the prayers of the saints!


I spelled this wrong last time, I hope it did not go to anything unfavorable, but to download Joel's Journey you can go to (with Vision Forum)


-stephanie- said...

I hate that you have to go through this sorrow and pain, but know that God is using you, to teach me how to be with my children. thank you.

sumi said...

Hi Cindy, I'm just dropping by to say hello and to send you a big cyber-hug from a momma who knows...

May Jesus hold you extra close tonight,