Now we have "cheerleaders" for baseball season!!!! Hosie and Mercy got all geared up in their suits yesterday so I just had to get a picture!!!!!!
I am going to have to learn to type faster if I am going to "keep" up with my life and be able to tell you so it will not be "old news!!" Between the guys very busy schedules with work, like today they are working out of town, three will stay the night with friends near job site, they will work Friday and head on home Friday evening, but Terry will work today and head home tonight so the goat crew can travel to Missouri tomorrow, and they will not be back until Sunday afternoon. Meanwhile my dad is on his way here today. Then like I said all the sport stuff happening each week, volleyball once or twice a week, baseball practice on Tuesday, Bethany having milk customers come once a week, the girls ironing twice a week, and now another possible opportunity with a family that the guys are building a barn for, the mother is inquiring of the girls if they would like to babysit their two children here at our house on Fridays occasionally. I have not even said what I have to do this morning before my dad gets here, and that is taking Micah and Andrew to get some boots in OKC. After my dad has his little visit here with us, Danielle is coming next week and then Terry is considering in the next week and half bringing one of the fellows on out from Mississippi that is scheduled to work the big school job on out because they are soooo busy and he can learn the ropes, so we will have him on board with our family, which I hope he can handle us........(can he Sarah????? thats his sister:) Wow......its fun and never dull for sure!!!! And then Farmers Market starts first Sat. in June! I must always lay it all at this verse.....Be still and know that I am God!!!!
Continuing reading in Genesis this morning and so moved in my heart with the story of Joseph. Such a sad story, like mine/ours but I read the ending and somehow it brings anticipation to my sad story. The reunion after Joseph told his family who he was, "And he fell upon his brother, Benjamin"s neck and wept; and Benjamin wept upon his neck. Moreover he kissed all his brethren, and wept upon them: and after that his brethren talked with them." Gen. 45:14-15. Looking forward to that day of embracing again, a reunion!!!!!
The Lord continues to "help" my heart as I hear back from you all and especially ones that share of how God is using Joel's story to further God's kingdom as the West family shared. Most everyday I seek to ask the Lord to allow Joel's story to go forth and be a flame for Him and another opportunity through the showing of Joel's Journey DVD will be aired on the home school channel, its a free online network that is available worldwide. I think they have schedules if you check and would like to see it and will show it periodically. This encourages my heart that Joel's little life still speaks! Thank you for any and all of your kind words, your words of hope that you too are finding through this blog, its for Him, through Him and in Him that I can even have my being and tell of his great truths that He speaks through His Word!!!
Better go, Andrew says ITS TIME TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Busy...busy. I love hearing what is going on. Praying for a wonderful visit with your dad.
I still miss my dad. I can not believe that it will soon be 3 yrs. This week marked the 2nd annversary of my mom's death. Seems so weird that our children do not have any living grandparents.
We are enjoying the beach....
Dear Family~
You are a busy "group" wew! Makes me feel silly for my worries on our up-coming "camping trip"!
You are very much a blessing to all...keeping you in prayer as you share your son's life with so many! Our friends here in Wisconsin have his CD and so many have been blessed by Joel's life just in "our circle"...God used your Lil-mans short stay on earth in a "mighty-big" way! There are many "big-men" who spent many years here on earth that have not touched so many! Bless you for sharing, God chose a special Daddy & Momma & family for Joel's time here! Thank you for all you do for others!
Haha! Yes! Billy can handly ya'll! We are a family of 11, your's is only -slightly- bigger.... ;) ha :)
Daddy sat him down last night and gave him a 'pep' talk about 'getting all his ducks in a row' and preparing for the 'big change in his life' because we hardly ever go more than an hour or 2 away from home!! :D
This will be a great adventure for him! We are all excited! (I think that he and Dave will get along swell!) Tell Anna to take LOTS of picture for me, since I'm not gonna be there. :)
Gotta go help can the green beans!
Sarah G.
Your family sounds a lot like ours at the moment. Summertime is always busy!! Lots of gardening, canning and working outside. We have seven calves to bottle-feed and try to keep alive right now! But you are right - it's SO very important to take the time to "be still". It helps so much!
Billy will probably fit in great at your house! Most likely he will enjoy all of the older guys around as opposed to mostly older girls around here! LOL!
I was moved by Joel's story. The faith and strength of your family is beautiful! Only those who have God to help them through times like these can understand the peace that comes when God carries you through such a time. Your testimony is lovely!
Abigail (Billy's big sister)
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