"Old things" can have a wide range of meanings and thoughts! I like certain old things. I use to have many old things in our house and one time my dad was being funny and said he had all that old junk when he grew up and he was not interested in it anymore! Old can mean wise in years, old can make you think of the "old days," of which I think of often when Joel was here, I long for them but its the "now" and time is getting me closer to him. With the old days I think of our family when the older children were 10-14 and we all were at home and in the evenings we were here at home instead of Monday night volley-ball, every Tuesday baseball and then on Friday volley-ball again and then you put going to the land in between all that and its like we are hardly ever all together anymore, but its really ok, I just need high-speed brain cells and a body activated to "fast!!!" LOL!!!!!! "Old" can bring touching memories of friendships, family and ties that are forever etched in our hearts and minds. But at this momment in time as I think of "old" I want to be done with the "old" man, sin. To put off the old man and be clothed with the new. Sins of my old ways, sins of old thoughts of a life long ago, I want to get rid of the old, but somehow it just creeps back and it burdens me, it causes division in my heart to who I belong to, that I am Christs and through Him I am a new person and the "old" me is done with. To appropriate this is sooooo hard. You know how it is, we get up and say in our hearts, I am gonna be different, but soon its back to the "old ways." May the Lord give each of us grace to walk in newness of life for His glory!!!!! Seems like Anna does some of her best work when she is bored and I don't tell her to take pictures. I enjoy pictures of "people" The details that we often miss, the close up pictures of smiles, wrinkles, knobby hands, fresh skin of babies, huge eyes of children. But I really enjoy pictures of "things." Anna inspired my thoughts with "old things" as I truly need to throw off the old nature of selfishness and think of others. Enjoy the details of the old pictures around our farm.
Went to get my hair trimmed up, feels good!! Mercy went with me and sat so sweet!
Tonight we are suppose to work on the wood ceiling. Terry (mostly) and I did the second round of tape and bed and now its down to the real texture and then some paint. Gotta decide on my colors.
Lawn mowing outside, cloudy and Wednesday chores, getting ready for some friends over for Friday and volley-ball, hoping it does not rain us out on the VB.
Tomorrow and exciting day for us girls, Bethany is going to try on bridesmaid dresses for Danielle's wedding at Davids Bridal in OKC.
Good post. I know what you mean about the old man and selfishness. I too long for better and better in myself not just for myself but so I can be a better wife and mother for my family too. How fun to go dress shopping. Cant wait to see pictures. I was in a wedding a few years ago and it was such a fun day!! Bethany will have a special day shared with her good friend. Anna's pictures are amazing. I wish she could give me a lesson with my camera.
Very nice post - I find myself reflecting often on the "old days" and I'm not that old! I really liked Anna's pictures. I also like old things. Especially farm equipment.
Great post Cindy! I love old things...they have character. See, that's what I think about myself (lol) I have character!
LOVE these pictures!!! :) Especially the John Deere one! ;)
Awesome pictures!!!
Anna has a great eye for detail. Her pictures are fun to see every time I come here.
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