Wednesday, April 25, 2012

the rose!

I have talked and shared about this rose almost every year!! It's the rose bush some friends gave us in March of 07 after Joel went to heaven! The first year, 07 it bore ONE rose! The second year it had two roses. I thought that was neat, for twins!! In 2009, 2010 and 2011 it either had ONLY one or two roses!! This year it bore 9 roses. Like Kate pointed out, nine sons, but one of the buds fell early on I guess like Joel! But it has 8 roses in bloom on it right now! Big orange flowers! Just beautiful!! It has been encouraging to see God use His creation to bring comfort!!

......I wonder if one year He might allow 13 roses to be on it???

Hmmm.... I think God likes "bushes.... Remember the burning bush!!! Hehehehe!!!

He comforts the grieving and brings forth and multiplies his mercy's many a fold!! Praising Him today!!!


-stephanie- said...

Gorgeous! Only God can create something like that.

The Ahlgren Family said...

And you had 9 sons and 1 left when he was just a bud...
It's so neat when God uses His creation to teach and show us things!