We are going today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy I know!!!!!
Oh, Elijah is so "proud" (not really proud but......) remember he has a Dodge truck, well his Dodge has had to go rescue our two Fords, the 350 and 250 from truck problems!! We actually have had to have both of them towed, one on Tuesday and one last night!!! :( and our van is on the brink again and not working properly tooo!!!!!! Sooooooooooooooo things are not looking to swell with vehicles...................... and I was suppose to go grocery shopping and I was suppose to pick up a very large item for our home and its a tad disappointing( can't wait to show it to ya) but because I have a wise husband, he reminds me that its all for our good and His glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess GO Dodge and tell these people around here they "shud" have bought a DODGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have mentioned we have a huge garden but we also have TONS of weeds!!!!! It has been a tough garden year so far, Terry's tiller broke and literally can not discern the weeds from the plants. It is so true what the scriptures say, that tares and wheat grow together and because God's people are so much like the "world," you can not tell the difference. We were out in the garden this morning trying to do some damage to the weeds, Jeremiah (8) asked a simple question of "why do weeds grow so much when there is good stuff growing?" In winter it is not a problem. Maybe its like a Christian who is luke warm, or in winter of their hearts and Satan does'nt see them as a threat to God's kingdom, they are just ho-hum Christians, attend church, don't really seek God in prayer and reading daily, they just coast along. But maybe there is one that is with all their hearts seeking, praying, being fervent and diligent, then Satan sees them as a threat to God's kingdom, because they are "living for Christ." So it is with weeds, maybe they can be seen as trials and they try to choke us down and smother us to where we will not grow and produce fruit. Jeremiah is very observant and there are so many applications to receive from a garden. The weeds could represent sin, or "little foxes" that come to steel away from us. No wonder Jesus used the garden for speaking truth, He knew we would till our ground and I know He desires us to learn from His creation.
Bethany's BD is June 24th! She will be 21!!!!! Last year when Danielle was here we went to the Tea Room as a little celebration. This year Danielle wanted to do something again while she was here. So I came up with this "idea" and told Danielle about it and she was very excited about the plan. Talked to Terry and he was good with it too! So tomorrow, Thursday we are going on a little BD adventure. We did this 17 years ago and and have not since then. I am going to give away a "Summer prize" for whoever is the FIRST person to guess what we are going to do, (Lord willing) Leave as many comments as you like and the winner will be the FIRS T one who guesses right, I will announce the winner Friday at 4 pm afternoon central time!! Bethany does not even know yet, but after reading this it will be a good hint!! Our whole family is doing this and another family!!!!
Go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Swim Party!??!??!??!
A Family and Friends cookout party????
A dress-up party?? O, I just don't know.....(Thinking)
A volleyball party?
A sleep-over party? I can't think of any more...I guess I'm done guessing! lol
An amusement park...
White-water rafting/kayaking?
A zoo?
Horseback riding..
A scavenger hunt
You are going to the Texas State Fair.
p.s. I really don't even know if Texas has a state fair lol.
Haha! Mrs. Cindy,
You have given us a MUCH too large range of things to guess!! I don't know where to start!!!
But, I know that it will be something she will love and that ya'll will have LOADS of fun! (does that count?!) Hm..... an um.... well.... some kind of outing with only girls.....? And eating..? And um... a swim party sounds like a winner too, but someone else already guessed that... :) I give up!
Wow... Yes, everything happens for a reason - but, when there's that many people in the house.... and all the vehicles are busted... man. Your thinking, "WHAT can be the REASON!!" :D
I pray everything will stop breaking down! And I guess there'e only one thing else to say: !!GO ELIJAH!!
Sarah ;)
Since I have never met Bethany, I can't give a logical guess but I do want to wish her a happy birthday. May you be able to serve our Lord greater this year than ever before!
** does your celebration have something to do with goats?
did you have to update us on the car problems in hopes to get some money from someone again? Maybe you just want to complain in a sweet sounding way. you seem to care about your life and your life problems only. maybe there are others who are in need too beside you
Only a coward would take a pop shot with an "anonymous" comment. The Morrises are some of the kindest and God fearing people we know. What else do you expect to read at their blog, other than things going on in their life?
If you count yourself among the members of Christ's church, then how about lifting up a prayer to Heaven on behalf of them and their car problems?
I can't believe what someone would write and not leave the name. I have always heard if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!! I have known them for years when Mr. Terry was our youth director.They have been through so much, and still put God first and trust him to do whats right! I'm not sure I could go through what they have and not be bitter. They are amazing Christians and live their life as followers of God and not ashamed to tell it.
Oh my ..... Bethany and I share the same birthday .... 24th of June! The element for June 24th is WATER so perhaps a water/pool party. If not a water/pool party, then maybe a GARDEN WEEDING PARTY with the sprinkler going!! ha! Have fun in whichever way you celebrate!
~The Richard's~
I cannot believe that Anonymous can be so nasty. I stumbled across your blog awhile ago and visit it regularly. Your family is awesome and your an inspiration to many. Thank you so much for sharing!!! Anonymous I hope your reading and can sense that what you said is nasty and should have been kept to yourself!!!Why are you reading if you feel this way!
Wow. Praying for you.
No clue but anxious to hear ...
If "Anonymous" knew ya'll they would know that you don't complain and try to get sympathy. And you, Mrs. Morris, very frequently write about others who need prayer etc. But like Mr. Southerland pointed out, this is your blog so naturally you will write mainly of things pertaining to ya'll! That's why we read the blog; to hear about your lives, good or not-so-good being used for good! :)
Hope ya'll had fun today doing whatever you were doing! Hehehe! And we're very thankful to hear that the trucks are up and running! Must have been a simple fix 'casue it didn't take too long! Praise God for His provisions!
Are you sure none of you have done it for 17 years??
We guess:
A camping trip?
Water sports such as Boating, sailing, rafting, snorkeling? The ocean?
Horses sound good!
Go-karts? Going out to eat at a special place? An amusement/theme park?
Something out-of-state? Visiting friends?
Running out of ideas...
We're on the WC, no idea what kind of things you have in Oklahoma! (If it was here it might be someplace like Disneyworld or SeaWorld)!
Can't wait to hear what it is!
Hi Cindy,
Wish our families could play a good volleyball match against/with you. At least one of will get the privilege to do so. Billy will be on his way there tomorrow.
Ah, Frontier City . . . those were the days! I spy some new rides as well as some favorite from when we went on Choir Tour so long ago! Looks like you had a fun day! Happy (early) Birthday, Bethany!
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